Remember Those Nights Part I

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*7 years ago*


Costia crouched down on the gutter and watched Lexa curling into a tight ball. She touched her shoulders, sending the brunette to stiffen.

"Hey, hey what's wrong? What happened? What are you doing here?" She tried again.

Lexa shakes her head and sobs some more. She can't believe this had happened. She didn't do anything wrong. Why can't Clarke believed her? She looks up and met those brown eyes watching her with concern. She felt she's about to break down again.

"Hey, hey don't cry. Come here...," Costia pulled her in her arms and rubs her back, gently rocking her - just like how she always do whenever she have a break down during Clarke's absence. She hated seeing the brunette like this. She hated seeing her in pain and tortured all because of one person. She can't believed that after letting Lexa go, Clarke still have the audacity to do this to her. She should have protected her while she still can.

"I wanna disappear," Lexa grumbled roughly on her neck.

Costia felt goosebumps all over. She pulled Lexa tighter and sighed, "I'm here, Lex. I won't let her hurt you anymore."


Octavia entered the apartment and immediately stopped at her tracks.

"Woah. What the hell happened here?" she asked, clothes strewn all over the place. Chair recklessly lying on the floor. Sofa and coffee table shifted in weird angles. It's like a hurricane swept across the house. "Clarke?"

She ran straight to the girl's bedroom that she shares with Lexa and found it empty. She grew anxious. Where the hell are you, Clarke?

"Clarke! Clarke!" She shouted around the the apartment until she heard a small sob coming from the bathroom. The door was closed and she heard loud gushing of water. "Shit..." She flung open the door and found Clarke sitting on the floor, leaning against the bathtub with cold water running. It's about to overflow. She quickly switched the faucet off and kneeled beside the blonde.

Clarke was sniffling, staring into space. Her eyes were bloodshot. Dark circles around her eyes. Her nose was puffy and red too. It was obvious that Clarke had been crying for a while and was still unmoved. And what happened to the apartment and with the missing brunette, Octavia was still clueless.

"Clarke?" She tried touching her shoulder, "Hey... Are you okay?" But the girl didn't flinched nor moved. She didn't even blinked.

"Hey... What happened? Where's Lexa?" And by the mention of the name, Clarke automatically bend her knees and burrowed her face - crying. "Clarke..."


Costia finally got the girl to calm down. They were sitting by the park with warm cocoa in their hands. They were quiet for the longest time and the girl let her be. She might partially knew what may have happened. She already have the gut feeling about it. She knew she should have declined in the first place.

"I'm sorry," she said.

Lexa didn't moved but blinks.

"I knew I shouldn't have accepted it-..."

"It's not your fault." Lexa cut her sentence.

"Lexa, she saw us and she might already be thinking something had happened. I can explain to her Lexa. I will go to your apartment and explain everything." Costia insisted, feeling guilty for putting the two girls into this predicament.

"No point," The brunette replied monotonously. Like her spirit had already departed from her body. "I've tried everything. She still won't listen."

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