As Long As It Takes

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"Oh fuuuckk... my head...," Raven groaned huskily as she lifted her head feeling disoriented by the blinding sunlight by the backyard. After terribly failing numerous tries to prop herself up she decided to lay down for a couple of minutes until her pounding headache subsides.

"Well... Goodmorning there, little pocketful of sunshine!"

The laying girl squinted her eyes and found Octavia beaming widely above her. She sighed, "arrghh... shut the fuck up, O. You're being too loud..." closing her eyes again.

Octavia rolled her eyes and crouched beside the girl who was lying down motionlessly by the patio steps, "come on...," pulling Raven into a sitting position, "up you go...," the taller girl groaned in pain as if her entire body had been ran over by a truck. "Here," pushing a glass of water and Tylenol on her hand.

"Nice... Always my knight in shining armour," she chided jokingly, swallowing the pill followed by the glass of water.

"Of course, who else gonna take care of you," Raven shot her a glare, Octavia knew that her best friend was always been an independent lady and little acts like this don't always go unnoticed to the other girl.

"I will pay you back... I don't need people to take care of me," she sighed, rubbing her temple in a circular motion slowly feeling the ache subsiding.

"Whatever... Stop being so childish. Sometimes it's nice to let people take care of you from time to time," the tiny girl puffed annoyingly as she scanned the entire backyard, "that was one wild night. It's gonna take you hours to get rid of this people," gesturing at the numbers of lifeless bodies scattered all over the place.

Guys slumped over the ping pong table, girls laid out by the beach chairs, some girl... wait, a guy in a pink tutu floating aimlessly on a float around the pool. Raven pulled herself up, Octavia quickly held her arms for support but the girl batted her off. She shook her head by the scene, got too carried away again, Reyes.

"Come on, let's wake them up. We have to clear everything before they called in for mass suicide,"

The two girls spent the entire morning getting rid of the lifeless bodies dispersed around the house and cleaned up the place until its sparkly clean with no trace of alcohol or tobacco for that matter.

"That was one tough morning. If only I knew that I'll be cleaning up after the party I should have left hours ago," Octavia tiredly uttered, wiping away the perspiration on her forehead.

"Don't worry. I'll pay you back," Raven asserted firmly, the tiny girl shot her a glare and angrily bellowed, "you better stop that, Reyes! I'm your freaking best friend and that's what we supposed to do. We supposed to help each other out, even if...," throwing away the small cloth filled with vomit, "how disgusting it is...arrghh..." she shuddered.

"Speaking of which... did you see Clarke and Lexa?"

Anya suddenly emerged under the table and groaned, making Raven jumped in shocked,

"Anya! SHIT! You scared the crap out of me. What are you doing down there?"

"I don't know," rubbing her head, wincing at the pain, "I think I saw Lexa and Clarke took a cab and left. To hell don't know where..."

Both girls stared at her questioningly, "Hey don't look at me as if I have the answer to everything. I don't even know why I'm under the table in the first place."



She heard a hum, "Clarke...," rubbing the girl's back with the tip of her fingertips, she felt the blonde shuddered under her touch and smiled. She loves it whenever she makes the other girl react on certain actions that she can only do. Lexa watched the sleepy girl turned over and cuddled deeper on her neck.

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