The New Found Discovery

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Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Clarke winced in pain, her head was throbbing and she can hear her chest pounding in her ears. She opened her eyes gradually cringing to the pain on her arms and down her legs. She scanned her surroundings and speculated where she could be. She feels disoriented and cloudy as reach for her head and realised her right arm was on a full cast while the other was covered in bandages. She gently reached for her head flinching at the pain that shot through her free arm. Her head was covered in bandage as well. What the heck happened?

She looked around for anyone familiar but she was in an isolated private room. The smell was oddly too familiar - the sterile smell of disinfectant and the familiar beeping sound of machines. Everything was white - white bed, white linen, white curtains, white sofa chair, white door. Is it this heaven?

The blonde tried to sit up straight but wasn't able to as a very sharp pain came piercing through her back.

"Aaahh!" She cried out in pain, she hissed and carefully laid back again. What am I doing in a hospital? What happened to me?

She closed her eyes momentarily till she hears the door opened then closed. She opened them again and came face to face with a woman with puffy red eyes. The wrinkles and eyes bags seemed to be more evident and Clarke realised how old and tired her mom looks like. Abby smiled consolably and rubbed circles on Clarke's shoulder.

"Clarke? Honey? Oh thank God, you're finally awake. Do you feel better? How was your head? Your leg? Your arm? Anything hurts?" Abby surveyed Clarke with wide eyes.

"I'm fine, Mom. Thank you," she managed to break a smile. "What happened to me?"

Cringing at the pain on her hips as she tried to make herself comfortable.

Abby pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, Clarke waited patiently as she watched her take in another breath.

"You got into an accident... Passer-by saw you running down the street and the driver didn't managed to step onto the breaks fast enough when you came crossing the road all of a sudden... You hit your head very badly, you got concussion... you were in a coma for a couple of days. You can't imagine how hard it is seeing you like this, Clarke. How difficult it is seeing someone you love on a hospital bed again...," Abby choked almost in tears.

"I'm sorry, Mom. Won't happen again." She said weakly. "Don't cry, please. You're making me cry." almost sobbing along with her mom.

Abby smiled weakly as she carefully soothed Clarke's head. The blonde sagged back on the bed, feeling the familiar warmth and comfort whenever her mom was around.

"Don't ever do that again, Clarke. Do you hear me? I've already lost a husband and I can't afford losing a daughter too." Abby shook her head in dismay and sighing loudly.

Clarke nodded and smiled delicately, "I'm guessing I fractured my arm and leg too. At least that would get me out chores for a month," smirking at her mom. Abby glared at her and shook her head again.

"I'm going to grab some food for you. Ok? Don't move too much," Squeezing the blonde's shoulder gently.

She pecked her on the head and left giving the girl with another endearing smile. Clarke closed her eyes and tried hard to remember what happened. But her memory came blank. Accident? I'm running down the street. Why can't I remember this things? She sighed in exasperation and resigned on anymore mental call backs.


*Next day*

"Clarke you've got visitors," Abby announced as she opened the door wider for the visitors to enter. One by one they started pouring in and greeted her enthusiastically. Clarke smiled and slowly greeted Octavia, Raven and Anya.

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