Chapter 34: Yearn

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Aww man, I am having a really terrible headache now....but it's okay, I have no work tomorrow so here's the new chapter.....please enjoy!!! I rededicate this chapter to a great friend of mine, pinkmage....she has a great series of stories or fanfictions that I'm sure you'll love as well haha...try it out.....please be patient if I'm getting late in updating....thanks a lot!!!



Chapter 34: Yearn


Lucy and Natsu were staying at a room just beside the Throne Room.

“Hey Lucy, now that everything’s settled….”, Natsu looked at Lucy who was sitting on the bed, her face was buried in her knees and her arms wrapping around it.

“I don’t want to leave”, Lucy said flatly. Natsu was surprised. In fact, the word surprised was an understatement. He was shocked to such an extent that he doesn’t want to hear what Lucy just said.

“Lucy, what do you…”

“You heard me Natsu, I don’t want to leave this world. Not now, not ever”, Lucy lifted her head and looked at Natsu with determination in her eyes.

“I know it’s hard Lucy but you know we can’t stay! We have friends waiting for us back in Earthland! We…..”

“You can’t understand, if you want you can go back alone but I don’t want to go back! I finally saw Mama and….”

“Lucy!”, Natsu snapped and silenced her. “You can’t be serious with that! I came here for you! I won’t go back if you’re not with me! I swore I would return you to Earthland and I will! I also never expected this to happen and I don’t want to see you in such a state as well but we can’t stay!”, Natsu said.

“I will! For once let me just do what I want!”, Lucy snapped back.

“Not this time Lucy! This is the only time I won’t give in to your stubbornness. We are going back to Earthland”, Natsu bickered.

“I can’t believe you! I….”, Lucy stopped and both their heads turned when they heard a knock at the door.

“Who is it?”, Natsu asked loudly.

The door opened and one of the cards entered politely and bowed when he was inside.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, but the Queen wants an audience with you before you return”, the two of Hearts card politely said.

“Alright, we’ll go, just give us more time”, Lucy politely answered. The card bowed before excusing itself and closed the door. There was a pregnant silence inside the room and no one dared to talk.

“Lucy, please tell me you’re not serious in staying”, Natsu asked first. Lucy solemnly looked at his eyes.

“You knew full well the reason why, right Natsu?”, Lucy asked back.


“I need to talk to you about Lucy”, said the King of Hearts.

“Don’t tell me…”, Natsu’s eyes widened.

“Yes but not exactly what you think of”, the King said. “Salamander, help her”


“Lucy- nee-san, if we could create clothes like this every day just like before, will you stay?”, Michelle suddenly asked out of the blue. Lucy stopped entwining the flowers from what she just heard.

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