Chapter 24: Feelings That Conquers All

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Hello everyone!!! It's the first day of March and the second day of my posting hehe....enjoy this chapter as you did on the previous ones.....comments and votes are definitely welcomed.....I dedicate this chapter to the one and only was a very special day for this person so I hope you guys will also send your greetings to her/him...heck I still don't know if Darksigma201 is a girl or a boy...sorry...anyway I hope you like this chapter as a present....thanks for your support in reading this book...I wish that you will have more days like this to celebrate!!!



Chapter 24: Feelings That Conquers All


Footsteps are heard outside the prison cell. Those who are inside the cells are shivering with fear considering that the Knaves may be back already.

“Lucy stand back”, a man’s voice can be heard.

“Here, it’s all covered now, break it!”, another man’s voice said.

They heard clanking sounds that might be because of falling metals. Suddenly, the doors are being pushed open with a loud banging sound. A fog covered the doorway, the people inside started crying for their lives again.

“There are so many of them!”, Natsu shouted when the fog cleared and he saw the people inside who are afraid of him.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here okay?”, Lucy dashed inside and said in a calm soothing voice. The fear of the people had vanished when they took sight of her.

“ALICE!!!”, they shouted altogether and ran towards her.

“Don’t worry, please calm down. We’re here to help you”, said Lucy.

“She’s not here!”, Gray said with panic.

“There are so many doors Gray, maybe she’s in another cell”, Lucy said.

“Come on, let’s break them”, said Natsu already melting one of the door locks and chains.

“Juvia! Are you there! Answer me! JUVIA!”, Gray shouted as he pass the doors of the dark basement.

“G…Gray-sama?”, a hoarse shuddering voice was heard at the far off cell.

“Juvia?!”, Gray dashed towards the said door and blasted it away using Ice magic. “Juvia!”, he noticed Juvia right away, slumping on the floor, and crying her eyes out with happiness as she saw him.

“Gray…sama”, Juvia stuttered. Gray made his way inside and hugged his wife. The feeling he had before was washed away with relief.

“Don’t worry, I’m here”, Gray said, stroking her hair.

“There’s still so many of them”, said Natsu.

“Alright. Juvia, listen to me, when we get outside, you run, you understand? Don’t turn back, you have to run okay?”, Gray put his hands on Juvia’s shoulders.

“Why? What about you?”, asked Juvia.

“I still need to stay behind and help them”, said Gray. “I owe them for saving you, and I promised Alice I’ll help her with the Queen of Hearts”

“Then I’ll stay as well”, said Juvia with determination in her eyes.

“You can’t”, Gray insisted. “Look at you, you look dishevelled, you need to rest”

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