Chapter 21: Allies and Foes

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I'm really sorry for the late job has taken up so much of my time that I haven't been able to touch my computer at all for two weeks....I feel guilty to all so please forgive's the new chapter and I rededicate this to Fuyuchan....please comment and vote.....thanks!!!



Chapter 21: Allies and Foes


“Lucy, you’re clothes are weird”, Natsu said more like a tease. It’s funny how late it is before he noticed what Lucy was wearing. Lucy stopped and blushed from his sudden comment.

“Wh-what? Weird? Why do you think it’s weird! I didn’t choose to be dressed like this! Look at yours, that scarf doesn’t go well with your green costume either!”, Lucy pouted and crossed her arms.

“This scarf was given by Igneel! Who cares if it doesn’t go well with my clothes! I was dragged here already wearing it!”, Natsu scowled back holding the lighted torch in his hand.

“Exactly! Do you really think that I had a choice with these clothes? And here you are saying that it’s weird”, Lucy bowed her head. “But still, I’m happy you’re here. That means I’m still sane about all of this things going on. I thought I’ll never see you guys again”, she mumbled sadly. Somehow, Natsu felt guilty at his previous statement.

“What is happening with those two?”, Natsu heard Gajeel whispered to Laxus. They were whispering too soft for Lucy to notice but with Natsu’s hearing, he can hear it perfectly well.

“Maybe something far beyond our knowledge”, Laxus replied with his torch brought forward.

“They started arguing about clothes”, Lily said being held by Gajeel.

“Shhh, maybe the Mad Hatter finds Alice’s dress lacking of a hat”, said Gray holding a torch as well.

“He is the Mad Hatter after all. Maybe he wants to create a hat for Alice”, Erza whispered as well.

“Or maybe those two are in a lover’s fight”, Lily’s voice enthusiastically said.

“What!!!”, they all exclaimed. They were too loud that Lucy looked at them questioningly.

“Umm, what is it?”, Lucy asked.

“N-nothing”, everyone managed to choke out.

“Since when did those two started getting THAT close?” Gray asked and they grouped again for yet another whisper.

“Who knows? But that Mad Hatter is strange, he wasn’t like the Mad Hatter we know”, Laxus exclaimed.

“Lucy did tell us that he came from the same world as hers right? So maybe that’s why”, Erza said.

“I see. Now we get it”, everyone nodded in their crouching position.

Lucy just looked at them strangely. Natsu was somewhat ignoring them but a slight blush is crept up on his face.

“Those guys are strange, aren’t they Natsu?”, Lucy gasped when she asked him. She was supposed to be angry at him.

“They sure are, much like our friends back home”, Natsu said. Lucy just smiled at this. Natsu never brings up whatever fight they had before, she knows of this. “Oh by the way, I didn’t think your clothes are weird in a bad way”, forget it, Natsu does brings up the previous fight they had.

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