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Hey guys!!
So I have been reading back on my first chapters and realised that I've stopped doing P.O.V's!!!
Let me know if you want all character's P.O.V's or just Amethyst's P.O.V :)
For now, I'll go back to all characters P.O.V's , just to change it up a bit ;)
Also! I have changed the paragraph setting in this chapter. Please please please let me know if you all like it like this, or the way I used to do it.
Thank you for reading and don't forget to Vote, Comment suggestions and FOLLOW MEEE!!!!


Jaxon's P.O.V

I woke up at 6am. Getting out of bed, I slipped on my shirt and headed down stairs. As I stepped off the last step, I heard my father say my name. "Jax?" He said, sounding half asleep. I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I walked to the kitchen and made a coffee. Sipping from the cup, I began up the stairs and hopped into the shower. I put on my clothes and dialled a number into my phone. "I can't come in today. Family issues." I explained, telling my co-worker, Jane. She was a good friend of mine. "Is everything okay?" She asked sounding worried. "Yeah." I lied.
"I'll explain later. Could you let the boss know? I know he will be upset but I can't come in today." I told her.
"Yeah, I'll tell him." she said and before I was about to hang up, she spoke.
"Jax, I hope everything is okay. Take care," she said sweetly. I smiled. "You too, Jane." I said and hung up.

I rushed down the stairs and picked up the car keys. before I could go out the door, the old man came up to me, walking strangely. "What was that message in the phone you left yesterday?" He asked sounding worried.
"Are you sober?" I asked sounding bored. "What's wrong?" He asked, ignoring my question.
"Look, Amy is in the hospital. She is alone and I need to get there now." I said getting my jacket off the chair.
I looked back at him and he look stunned. He seemed to be daydreaming. I saw sadness and worry in his eyes.
I walked up close to him. I didn't feel any pity. I never will. He doesn't deserve my pity.
"And you won't go near her whilst she's there, got it?" I said aggressively. "What happened?" He whispered.
I rolled my eyes. "Don't pretend to care," I snorted, turning around and going out the house.
I unlocked my car and hopped in. As I made my way to the hospital, I tried my best not to think about negative things. I had a feeling something was wrong. I need to get to Amy.


Amy's P.O.V

I woke up, feeling the mixture of sweat and tears on my face. Another nightmare. It was weird. Weirder than usual.
It was about Dad... he was in danger. I shook the thought out of my head. It was just a dream, I told myself, repeatedly.
A nurse knocked and walked in with a tray. "I see you're already awake." She said smiling . "Here is your breakfast. Try and eat everything. I'll come back in about half an hour with your medication,"'she smiled and put the tray on the table. I nodded a Thank you and she walked out. I didn't feel like talking.
Not long after the nurse came back in with Jax. I smiled at him. He came over and hugged me. "How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting on the bed. "Alright." I replied. he had a plastic bad and pulled out a teddy bear that was holding a sign saying 'hope you get better soon!"
"Aww. Thank you." I laughed and took it when he handed it to me, smiling. I hugged it and put it on the table next to me. "And these," he said pulling flowers out from behind him. This has made my day. "Thought you might want some colour," he laughed looking around the dull hospital room. True. I hugged him. "Thankyou," I said smiling, looking at the beautiful pink tulips, smelling them and putting them next to the teddy bear. "What time is it?" I asked. he looked at him watch. "8:00." he said. "Nate is going to come see me." I told him. His expression darkened. "what do you have against him?" I said sounding angry. "I'm your big brother, Amethyst. it's my job to be protective when it comes to boyfriends." He said. "Well get over it because he is my boyfriend. I'm aloud to date." I said crossing my arms. he sighed apologetically, "I know. I just dont want you to get hurt anymore," he said softly. I felt guilty for getting upset. "I won't ," I smiled. there was a knock at the door and the nurse walked in with Nate. He had a bouquet of Red roses in his hands. He smiled at me. I stared at him. "Another guest." The nurse said, sounding amused. When she walked out, Jax stood up and walked over to him. He stared at him. I bit my lip nervously. "Good morning," Nate smiled confidently. I tried not to smile. Jax's expression softened. "I'm sorry for my behaviour yesterday. My name is Jaxon. it's nice to meet you," he held out his hand. Nate shook it with his free hand. "It's my pleasure," he smiled widely. This is going great. "If you hurt my sister, I will brake your face." he winked and walked out if the room to give us some time. Nate laughed. "I won't," he said softly, looking at me smiling sweetly. It's more like he was promising me because Jax wasn't even in the room anymore. we stared at each other. I smiled, beckoning for him to come over.

He sat on the bed. "These are for you," he said handing the roses to me. "Thank you. you didn't have to," I blushed, taking them. "Yes, I did." he smiled. I put them next to the other gifts. "How are you?" He asked, looking concerned. I smiled, "I'm good."
"School starts in like half an hour," I reminded him. He cupped my cheeks with his hands. I shivered at his touch. "I might be a little late," he said coming closer. I licked my lips. He was staring in them so intently, his eyes a dark shade of blue. I couldn't take it anymore so I slammed my lips onto his. as usual, we moved in sync. After a while, we pulled out for breath. "I'm going to ask to go out today." I told him. He laughed. "that's was random." he smiled. "I want to get out do we can go on that date," I explained. he smiled. "That would be amazing, just don't push yourself. if you're not feeling well, then rest."
I nodded.

He stayed with me for about an hour and then I insisted that he left. I don't want him to put his education on hold because of me.
When Jax came back in, we talked about casual stuff. Cassie came to visit me after school, along with a Johnny. They brought flowers. I was happy people came. I know that I have a lot of people who care about me, but deep down, for some reason, I thought no one would show up.

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