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We roamed the halls of the school.
I showed where all his classes will be, the cafeteria, basket ball courts, and now the library...
My favourite.

I went to the new books section to see if there was any new arrivals. I've already read every book in here.
Nathan walked up beside me.
"What's your favourite book?" He asked.
I turned to face him.
"don't have one. I ready anything. I read the dictionary twice."
He looked at me dramatically.

"I'm guessing you don't like fun," he following me around,
"What's that?" I asked scrunching my eyebrows together, he laughed.
He had a very beautiful laugh.
"I want to get to know you," he said after a while.
"Hm?" I said arching my brow,
"You heard me," he said grinning.
"Fine. Shoot," I said scanning the shelves,
"How old are you?" He asked,
"16. You?"
"17. Your turn'"
I thought about what to ask him. I had many questions.

"Is that your natural hair or is it dyed?" I asked.
He laughed, yet again. Man, I could get used to that.
"Yeah, it's natural. My mum is a brunette but I got my dad's hair," he shrugged,
I nodded. Wow.

"Any brothers or sisters?" He asked as we made our way out if the library.
"An older brother. His name is Jaxon, he's 18." I told.
"Do you have a tattoo?" I asked out of curiosity.

He smiled and bit his lip.
"One..." He said smiling wider.
"Where?" I asked as my curiosity grew.
"You don't want to know," he said as the bell rang.
I actually do...
"AMY ! AMY ! AMY!!!!" Cassie yelled running towards me.
Oh no.

She stopped next to me and tried to catch her breath as she spoke.
"I was in the..... Toilets.... And.. I over heard...Queen B-itch say..There was a new guy... And she wants to.... Make him HERS," she panted.
"And why does this surprise you? She wants every guy it be with her," I pointed out.
"True, but she is dating Jordan right now and I feel sorry for the new guy because he will probably fall for her and Jordan might brake his neck," she rambled,
"Actually," Nathan said coming into view,
"He won't touch me," he said amused.

Cassey looked at him and me as her eyes and smile grew bigger.
I know what she's thinking, I know-
"When were you gonna tell me ?!?!" She yelled,
I began shaking my head.
"Don't deny, babe! You both are DATING!!!" She squealed.
I looked at her disgusted at what she just yelled for the whole school... No the whole WORLD to hear as Nathan laughed historically. He wrapped a hand around my neck and said, "yup. We are dating! Wanna go have some lunch, sugar bun?" He said looking down at me grinning.

I could feel my cheeks burning as everyone around us stared and laughed.
I pushed away from him and shot back,
"Go make some friends, Baby. You can't be with me 24/7," I said trying it embarrass him but he just laughed,
"Alright, pumpkin. I'll catch you later," he said before pecking me on the cheek. My eyes widened and I knew I was as red as a tomato. He winked at Cassie and I and left. I stood in utter shock.
Oh snap out of it. It was just a peck on the cheek.

"Amyy, oh Amyyy," Cassie sung,
"Huh?" I said confused,
"So, have you both done it?" She said wriggling her eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and walked faster.
"Oh come on!" She said catching up,
"Why didn't you tell me about him?!" She exclaimed,
"Because we aren't together!" I yelled. Everyone was looking at me.

"We aren't together," I whispered.
She mumbled God knows what but I don't care anymore. I'm too hungry to care. I bought my lunch and so did Cassie. We made our way to a bench and sat down.
"But seriously, are you both together or not? If you are, then we can go on a double date! Johnny and I. You and your hotty," she said sounding excited.
I rolled my eyes.
"Cassie, we aren't together. He is Sam's nephew! Even if he wasn't, I wouldn't be interested.." I said trailing off playing with a chip on my tray.
"Sure. I can see right through you, you know," she said taking a sip of her coke.

"Cassie, seriously I-," I was interrupted by a familiar voice,
"Hello Miss Brown," Mr Green said. I turned around to find him smiling.
"Miss Smarts," he nodded towards Cassie,
"Hello," she said with a small wave. I don't know why he made all girls so nervous. Even Cassie.
"I wanted to talk to you about yesterday," he began. I froze in place and my breath got caught in my throat.

"Can you please see me in my office. Same time as yesterday," he said softly.
"I-uh.." I began but he cut me off,
"I'll see you the," he smiled at the both of us and walked away, leaving all the girls in the cafeteria staring after him.

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