Chapter twentyseven

Start from the beginning

" Hey me, Skip and Jai are going out soon " Beau said.

" Oh okay. Me and the others are going out for food, me and Luke are staving " I said and just as I finished my sentence there was a knock on the door.
I walked over and opened the door and in walked Luke, Daniel and James.

" Skip, right on time " Jai said putting his phone in his pocket.

" Bye " Beau said giving me a peck on the lips before walking over to the door where Jai and Daniel where.

" Bye " I smiled and they left. " So where are we eating? " I asked turning around to face the others.

" Somewhere fast I'm staaaarving " James complained and fell back on the bed.

" Is there a McDonald's? " Morgan chuckled.

" We can ask in reception, c'mon " Luke said and we walked out of the room and down to reception.


I was in the hotel room with Luke watching Modern Family and Luke was editing a new video. James and Morgan fell asleep earlier so we left them in the other room. The other boys weren't back yet and it was nearly 1 am.

" I'm kinda hungry " I said turning over on my stomach and looking at Luke.

" Same " Luke said shutting down his laptop and putting it beside him.

" We have sandwiches " Beau shouted basically being carried into the room by Jai and Daniel.
I let out a sighed seeing the state Beau was in. He had been going out partying a lot recently and every time he gets way to drunk and either me or one of the boys are left to take care of him.

" Why did you let him get so drunk " I said annoyed and helped Beau over to the bed.

" He said he wasn't going to drink and then he went missing and we couldn't find him anywhere until I went to the bathroom and found him in the corner drinking straight from a bottle of vodka " Daniel said. I could hear in the tone of his voice that he was tired and didn't have fun tonight.

" And you really thought he wouldn't drink? " I nearly chuckled.

" No but we lost him " Jai said handing Beau a bottle of water and a sandwich.
I walked out on to the balcony and leaned against the rail.

" You okay? " Jai said walking out and leaning against the rail beside me.

" Yeh " I breathed " Why is he doing this? "

" I don't know, he went trough a phase like this when we first left Australia and when you left without saying goodbye but it wasn't this bad " Jai said and rubbed his face.

" He's drinking away his pain " I said slightly confused.

" Yeh but what's his pain? " Jai asked sitting down on a little chair.

" I don't know " I sighed.

" I'm going over to the other room " Daniel said sticking his head trough the door. " Livy are you okay? " He asked and now walked out and over to me.

" Beaus drinking away his pain and I don't know why! " I said and I could feel tears build up in my eyes.

" Uh... Talk to him tomorrow when he's sober " Daniel said giving me a hug before waking back in.

" I'll be right back " Jai said getting up and walking inside.

*** Jais P.O.V. ***

" Uh... Talk to him tomorrow when he's sober " Daniel said giving Livy a hug before waking back in. I had known Daniel long enough to tell when he was hiding something. He knew something about Beau and wasn't telling us.

Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Brooks - Janoskians - Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now