¢нαρтєя 19

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"Oh good you're here" Someone said. I turned around to see a doctor that had dark brown almost black hair. He had grey eyes and was tall. He looked very young to be a doctor, maybe in his mid thirties. "You must be Amy's children" He said. He looked very familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen him before. "I'm Doctor Rodgers" He said and stuck out his hand. "Hi, I'm Olivia and this is my brother Cole" I said and shuck his hand, then Cole shut his hands. "Well, Olivia, Cole, your mother has been in a very terrible accident" He said. "She alive, but... um" He said. Oh lord. "Cole, why don't you go to the cafeteria and get yourself a snack" I said and pulled money out of my back pocket and handed it to him. "Get me something too?" I said. He nodded. "You have your phone with you, right" I asked. He nodded again. "I'll fill you in when you get back" I said. He nodded and walked out of the room.

Doctors were more focused on getting the facts straight out, rather then focusing on feelings. And I know that Cole was very concerned about our mom, so, I didn't want him to hear it from the doctor, I wanted him to hear it from me. "Sorry, you can continue" I said. He gave me a single nod. "Your mother is in a coma, you know what that is, correct?" He asked. Thanks to Grey's Anatomy, yes, I know that a coma is. I nodded. That's where I know him from! This doctor looked almost exactly like McDreamy! He looks like Derek Shepard! Aw, that made me sad, Derek Shepard just recently died in a new episode. "Good, yes, well, she hit her head from the impact she was okay when it happened, but just recently she went into a coma" He said. I nodded slowly. "It was good, that you sent your brother out. I was trying to think of ways to deliver the news, carefully" He said. See what I mean.

A nurse walked in and she smiled. "I'm just here to check on your mothers vitals" She said rolling in a blue almost stick like machine. "I must say, and you probably get this a lot, you look very young to be a doctor" I said. The nurse giggled and nodded. "He looks exactly like-" "Derek Shepard?" I said. "You've seen Grey's Anatomy? How old are you?" He asked. "17" I said. "Ah, you must have been born to see some of the episodes on TV right?" Doctor Rodgers said. "I still watch them, and on Netflix" I said. They both nodded. "Netflix is a life saver, isn't it?" The kind nurse said. I smiled and nodded. "I don't know where I'd be without it" I said. "Right!" The nurse said and smiled. I heard the phone go off, and I looked at the doctor.

"Is there anything else I need to know?" I asked. "Well, when your mother hit her head it caused, something to be moved around up there" He said. "And your mother has something called Hydrocephalus" My mom has water in her brain? How would water get into her brain from a car accident? I licked my lips. "How could that happen? How could water be in her brain?" I asked. "You know what-"

"Yes, how does this happen?" I asked. "Since your mother hit her head so hard, it blocked a passage way for the water to go through in her brain, so now she has water back up in her brain" He said. That makes sense. I nodded. "Let me tell you that there was only your mothers car involved in the accident" He said. One car? How is that possible? I gave him a confused look. "Your mother I guess was coming home from work, and I saw on your mother's files that she works for this hospital, right?" He asked. I nodded. "She's in the NICU" I said. The NICU was for the premature babies, if you didn't know. "Right, I recognized her. So, you live on the East side of town, near the high school right?" He said. I nodded slowly. "Well, your mother was driving the opposite way, she was driving away from your house" He said. I looked at my mother confused. Why would she do that?

"When the ambulance picked her up, she was saying she needed to get home, she needed to pick Cole up from practice, but everything was the opposite way" He said. That's strange, really strange. "So, I did a CT and some labs, and your mother has a tumor in her brain" He said. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes. "That is what's blocking the passage way, so the waters backed up" He said. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Can you treat it?" I asked. "We'll have to schedule a surgery for her to get the tumor out" He said. I nodded. "We can operate while she's in a coma, but, it may cause her to be in a coma longer" He said. "The Anastasia we use for the patients can be in your body for weeks, and since your mothers already in a coma, it might cause her to stay asleep more" He said. I bit my lip. "Okay," I said. "Well let you know when surgery comes" He said. "Thank you," I said and he waked out.

After that, Mason and Julia walked in. "Livy, sweetheart" Julia said and ran inside the room. "Hey," I said and hugged her. "How are you? I'm sorry this has happened" She said and let go of me. "Thank you, it means a lot" I said and bit my lip. "Oh, Amy" Julia said and rushed over to her. "Beeping, that's a good sign" Julia said and looking back to me. "Is she sleeping?" The lowered her voice. Cole ran back in the room, holding a cookie and chips. "No" I said. "Okay, tell me what happened now" Cole said. Mason looked at me, and so did Julia. They both gave me a funny looking-look. "She's in a coma" I said. Julia gasped and looked down at my mom. She picked up her hand and pulled the chair over to her. "She has Hydrocephalus" I said. Julia looked up at me, and then back down at my mom. Julia was a surgeon, here, actually. She was a neurosurgeon, she was actually one of the best. I guess she wasn't on call today. "Tumor, right" She asked. I nodded.

"A tumor, what?" Mason asked. "Isn't syphilis a STD?" Mason said. "My mom has and STD!?" Cole said and dropped the cookie and chips. "Ew! She's been having-" "No! No" I said. "At least I don't think, I don't know" I said. "I'm not involved in that part of her life" I said and gave him a disgusted look. Julia and Mason chuckled. "Yes, sweetheart it is, but Amy has something called Hydrocephalus, not syphilis" She said. "It's where water gets backed up in your brain because something is blocking its path" I said. "Right," Julia said. "And a tumor is blocking its path" Julia said. "Oh" Mason said. "A tumor!?" Cole said and opened his bag of chips. He stuffed his mouth and sat down next to Mason. Mason patted his back. "It'll be okay buddy, they'll fix her up" He said. "Will you do her surgery?" I asked. "Of course," Julia said and smiled. "I'll go talk to Rodgers now" She said and walked out of the room.

"So," Cole said and looked in between us. "This is awkward" He said. I rolled my eyes and Mason chuckled. "Little bit," Mason said and glanced at me. I licked my lips as Cole tossed my the huge cookie. I caught it and unwrapped the clear wrapping. "Will you two just make up already?" Cole said. "It's not me who's mad Coley" Mason said and took a chip from his bag. I rolled my eyes. "It's not me who has to say sorry," I said. "I don't even know why you're mad! Couldn't you just explain it?" He asked. I crossed my arms over my chest and sighed. "I think I'll go look at the babies I saw on the way in here," Cole said and stood up. He walked out of the room and I folded my feet across my lap. Maybe I should just get it over with, maybe I should just tell Mason about everything.

"Will you please just talk to me" He said. "I'm confused as hell" He said. I took another bite of my large cookie and set it back down. "Fine," I said and licked my lips. "I..." I stopped. "You can tell me anything Liv, you know that" He said. "I do know, but, I'm scared" I said. "Whatever you say won't change anything" He said. "I promise," It will. It'll change everything. "Come sit by me" He said. I looked at him, and then slowly got up and parked my butt in the seat next to his. I folded my legs again except this time I took off my sneakers. I looked at the floor and pressed my lips together. How was I going to tell him this? "I don't like you and Brooke together" I said. "You've told me" He said. "But why" He asked. "You...She's gonna hurt you Mace" I said. "So you don't want to be friends anymore, because she's going to hurt me" He said. "No" I said. "I don't want to be friends anymore, because..." I took a quick breath, and felt my hands starting to shake.

"Because...." He said motioning for me to go on. "Because I like you," I muttered. "You what?" Mason said. My heart was beating rapidly. "I like you, Mason" I said. His mouth hung open, I guess he wasn't expecting that. "You...Like, me" He said slowly. "Yeah," I said. "Liv...I..." "Now you see why I didn't want to be friends" I said. "Yeah..." He said. "But this can work" He said. I shook my head. "Mason, this can't work" I said. "We can make it work" He said. "I don't want to listen to you talk about how you and Brooke had sex every 5 seconds" I said. "You may not realize it but it hurts Mace" I said. Mason took the cookie from my hand, and took a huge bite and I glared at him. "Keep going" He said with a mouth full of cookie. "I don't like you with her, and I don't like seeing you hurt" I said. "Why do you go back to her?" I asked. "Because you think she's hot?" I asked.

"No, because, I thought I cared about her" He said. "You thought? As in past tense?" I asked. "Yeah," He said and stood up from his seat. I looked up at him. "I'm sorry, Liv, but I need some time to think" He said. "I need to go home, I need to go for a run, I need... to do something..." He said.

He looked at me once more, and then he left.

​So she told him....
A lot went down in this chapter... and there's a lot more drama to come:)
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