Chapter Sixteen, Part Two - Close Encounters

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sure, and the Red Bull can also give you wings."

Ignoring Addy's jab I took a quick gulp of my coffee, relishing the warmth.

"You know, last night I was doing some thinking and I realized that by the time this is through, Eve will have gotten everything she wants without repercussion..."

I recounted last night's events, beginning with my conversation with Eve and ending with my warning from the Hunters. "And even though Eve has the ring the Hunters won't take it from her or punish her for having it because they know I need it and they want my help. So not only does Eve get her revenge, but she avoids all ramifications in the process. Meanwhile, I end up taking the heat for destroying Ethan's dad, Ti will find out that I lost the ring, and sometime in the near future I might get my ass served on a platter to the Elder. Now, does that sound fair to you?"

Addy shook her head then bit into her muffin. "I'm assuming you have a plan my dear?"

"I wasn't awake all night for nothing." I pulled out my phone. "If Mr. Talbot can pull a few strings, then I can make this situation somewhat worth it. Even if I still end up the bad guy..."

I stood from the table and found Mr. Talbot's contact information. Biting my lip and picking at my nails, I listened to the ringing on the other end of the line. I prayed he would answer. If he didn't, I was screwed.

"Miss Noble. How can I be of assistance?"

"Hi, Mr. Talbot. I apologize for calling you so early, but I have another problem and I could really use your help."

"What is it you require, Miss Noble?"

"Last night I was given two bank statements--one is a genuine copy and the other is a fake of the genuine. If I give you the original statement, Mr. Talbot, would you be able to produce a third fake?"

"Well, I wouldn't be doing you any favors by lying, Miss Noble--what you're asking would be quite a challenge. However, I do have an associate who has much experience in this realm of business. How soon do you need results?"

"Oh... I dunno... say... three o'clock?" I cringed. 

"Oh dear," said Mr. Talbot, but with no hint of anxiety or distress. "I'm afraid my colleague requests twenty-four hour notice. However, I have known him to oblige clients who have given shorter warning–provided they pay his fee."

"Name the price and I'll send you the money now." Mr. Talbot spoke the number, and with a few swipes and clicks across the screen of my smartphone, the money was transferred.

"Very good, Miss Noble," said Mr. Talbot, after receiving notification the payment was sent.

"Just one more thing, Mr. Talbot--no fingerprints. This has to be a clean job."

"Of course, Miss Noble. I will have my driver sent to your home shortly to retrieve the statement. We shall speak soon."

I hung up, satisfied, then grinned at Addy, who watched with amusement as I dialed another number.


"Good morning, Leader Devila," I said cheerfully.

"Naomi, how pleasant to be hearing from you." But the transparency of her voice told me this wasn't true.

"Likewise, Sofia. I'm calling because there's something I have to say. I've had some time to think about my future, and what direction my life needs to take in order for me to succeed on the Leadership. After all, I'm going to be Pack Eldress one day, so it's important for me to step up and put my future ahead of my personal aspirations. And what I would like to discuss... is how you can help."

"That's too bad. I was hoping this conversation would end with an apology..."

"Oh heavens no, Sofia." I gave an airy laugh. "You and I both know any apology we extend to each other would only be a lie. So why waste time with such trivialities when we can simply get to the point instead?"

"And that would be?"

"A business opportunity--let's call it an investment. I've been given damning information about another Leader that my Grandfather should hear. However, I'm not in a position to hand over the evidence. Let's just say I'm a little too close to the person this involves."

"My curiosity is piqued, I will admit," Sofia coolly replied. "What is the information you have in your possession?"

"I could show it to you. Over lunch? Say, three-thirty, at the Maison?"

There was a pause as Sofia considered my offer. "Why should I help you?"

I smiled tightly. "Because by helping me, you're also helping yourself."

"Oh really?" Sofia laughed.

"And because you're having an affair with my grandfather." The laughing ended. Suddenly, the situation wasn't so funny anymore. "I've seen the way you look at him, Sofia. You don't have to hide it from me."

"You are ridiculous," she snapped. "And a waste of my time. I refuse to listen--"

"But I'm sure Diane would. Listen, I mean."

"You have no proof."

"You're right, I don't have proof--but eventually I will. Because even though you've been caught, the temptation will remain too strong for you to resist and the Elder will convince you to keep seeing him because he thinks his granddaughter is a blundering idiot. You'll continue to meet him in secret, obscure locations and then somewhere down the line you'll slip up. Whether it's a lip stick stain on his collar, or a thong stuffed in the couch ... I'll find it. It's only a matter of time."

"I'll see you at three-thirty," said Sofia in a bitter voice before promptly hanging up.

"Boom." Addy grinned when I lowered the phone.

"Got it coach." I re-took my seat.

"So let me make sure I have this right. You're going to get that third, fake copy from Mr. Talbot, and give that to Sofia instead of the original?"

"That's the plan. And I'll also give her the fake copy that Eve made as well. I'll keep the original and Sofia will give the others to Charles. If my grandfather is smart, he'll compare the two and realize they're both fake. He'll think she was laundering money as well, and assume she's just trying to throw Mathew under the bus to save her own skin. Or who knows? Maybe Charles is in on it with Mathew and he'll figure out what I've done. Either way, the truth about this whole scandalous mess is now exposed and if he wants to come out of this with his hands clean Charles will have no choice but to dismiss both of them from the Leadership. Of course he's on his way out too; might as well take a few Leaders with him."

"And this way Ethan doesn't have to know you were involved--nice." Addy bit her lip, nodding slowly. "And of course Charles will wanna keep this under wraps because you have the original statement. So if he doesn't comply, then you could have his ass locked up for fraud. I have to say, that is absolutely motherfuckin' brilliant. Really, it is."

"Thanks, but that's all in the category of best case scenario." I took a drink from my coffee. "I just hope it works. In the meantime, I'm gonna head to The Bakery and finally get those ingredients. I planned on going a little later in the week, but I need an excuse to keep him with me until I can find a way to fix Eve. I'm crossing my fingers she doesn't take off the ring."

"What are you gonna do with Ethan at three? You know him, he's gonna wanna spend the whole day with you, but it'd be crazy to take him with you to see Sofia."

"Don't worry about Ethan. Just do me a favor--while I'm gone, find me some Ambien. A lot."

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