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It's been weeks since I came out of my room, haven't eaten in at least 5 days that's why it's good to be a shinagami.

we can go for days without eating but have to eat sometime. Sitting in the corner of my bedroom.

Haven't moved since I seen Grell at near death. I'm happy he's alive tho. There was a knock at my door and then it slowly opened.

Undertaker walks in with a tray of food.

"I brought you some food darling." he says with a small smile while setting in down on the table near me.

"Please eat honey." he kneels down so where face to face. I just stare at him while hugging my knees to my chest. "Why are you so upset Deary?"

He pulls away a piece of hair away from my eyes.

"G..Grell." my voice cracks. "He's ok tho darling no need to be upset." he whispers in my ear.

I just shrug while looking at my feet. "Please please eat!" he begs me. I look at the food to see eggs and bacon then look at him he nods.

I slowly sit up and grab the tray putting a piece of egg in my mouth. He smiles at me "I got good news."

I look at him waiting to see what he was going to say. "Grell will be out soon !" he smiles while sitting next to me.

A small smile forms on my face while I continue to eat my breakfast.

There was a knock at the door and when undertaker answers it Will walks in.

"Miss Bell we got a few souls for you to reap by the end of the week."Will hands me a book filled with the information of the people who were scheduled to die. I nod as he leaves.

"Who do you have to reap?" Undertaker asks me. I look in the book .

"A 17 year old boy that dies from falling off a cliff and another man that dies from old age." I tell him. "Want to come with me?" I ask he smiles and nods.

--time skip--
"So who you reaping first?" undertaker asks while buttoning his cloak. "Greg furner dies of old age."

"I remember when I had to reap souls." he giggles. "You used to reap souls?" I ask in shock.

"Hehe yes I did I'm the legendary grim reaper." he smiles.

I gasp at him. "W..wait Adrian.. Crevan." I say while covering my face in fear.

He furrows his eyebrow under his bangs " don't worry I'm not going to get mad cause you called my real name." he comforts me.

I sigh in relief. "But yes that's me!" he smiles. Ugh I'm so stupid!

"They said the legendary grim reapers real name was Adrian and I knew your name was that but I never thought about it!"

He giggles " your cute when your mad." " Thanks." I blush while looking at the ground. We arrive at the old folks home and reach Gregs room.

"Aw he already passed?"I say frowning. "Why are you sad about that?"

Undertaker asks. "I was going to ask him to tell my mom I miss her." I frown. Undertaker hugs me.

I ram my axe into Gregs body watching his cinematic records. "At least he had a good life." I sigh.

Next we arrive at the ocean where the young boy Matt dies from falling off a cliff into the water.

    "Ugh how am I supposed to reap his soul when his body is somewhere in the water?!" I shout.

    I slowly walk to the water but I slip and fall completely into the water "heheheheh!" I hear undertaker giggle from me falling. I grunt and dive into the water to find him.

    I swim back up. "Couldn't find him?" He asks. I shake my head no. "Ugh this is hopeless!" I shout.

     "You say hopeless a lot you know." undertaker cackles.

        "Cause my life is hopeless." I mumble while diving back into the water. I feel a lump under my feet then I realize it's Matt I'm suppose to reap.

     I drag him out of the water and throw my axe into him watching his cinematic records then Collect them.

    On our way home undertaker giggles. "What?" I ask while looking at him. "Your quite a mess aren't you?"He giggles while picking seaweed out of my hair. I just roll my eyes.

Hopeless (grell sutcliff)Where stories live. Discover now