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I hear humming coming from the kitchen as I walk down the stairs to see Grell cooking bacon.

"Morning.." I mumble sitting down. Grell whips his head around and flashes a smile at me. "well well well look who's awake!" Grell giggles while going back to cooking.

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask a bit snobby. "You were sleeping pretty long love." Grell sighs.

I just stare at him. "You have been talking a lot my lady, when I first met you you were shy." Grell claims.

"I...grown to you, I trust you and now know your not going to harm me." I explain quickly regretting it.

Grell finishes cooking the bacon and looks at me and cocks his head to the side looking at me in confusion. "Why you say that?" He asks me.

"Urm.. Nevermind." I say trying to make him change his mind.

He walks over and pulls a chair next to me tilting my head up with his finger under my chin.

"Tell me please?" he begs. "Why do you care." I huff turning my head in a different direction.

He makes me look at him again. "Cause I care about you." he whispers. As those words leave his mouth my eyes start to water and I start crying at the thought of someone caring.

He wipes my tears away with his thumb. "Darling please tell me." he begs once again.

"My....My family died on me and I became upset so I Dident really talk and people around me judged me and becoming afraid of me just cause I was quite."

"The only reason I was quite cause I was trying to get over my family's death but they dident understand that. "

"They judged me for who I was so I don't trust anyone that's why I'm quite around them until I know there harmless." I explain in tears.

"Aww my love it's ok I won't ever do that to you I promise." grell whispers in my ear while embracing me in his arms. A smile forms on my lips. "Grell..." "yes my lady?" "I love you.." "I love you more."

He says kissing my head. I got a suprize for you grell cheers. "Wha?" I question. "Follow me!" he cheers.

I run and grab a piece of bacon and chomp it down then follow him.

==time skip==
We arrive in a huge dark building. "It's dark in here I can't see!" I yell as I grip onto Grell's jacket having him guide me.

"We're almost there love." he giggles. All of a sudden the lights turn on and everyone yells surprise! "Omg!! No way what's this for?" I ask.

Will walks towards me. "Grell told us how amazing you did on your first reaping so we wanted to congratulate you." will says patting my shoulder.

"Aww you dident have to." I cry with tears of joy. "Bell?" I hear someone say. I turn to the noise and see undertaker. "Undertaker!" I yell jumping into his arms. "I missed you how have you been?" He asks.

"Good I have been good you?"
"I've been amazing." he laughs. "You two know each other?" Grell and will ask at the same time.

"Yea undertaker was my first best friend he still is." I explain smiling. "He has been there through my tough times and always made me laugh."

"Does he know about your past?" Undertaker asks. "Yea I told him today and will already knows." I explain. "Cake anyone!?" I hear Ronald yell.

"Of course!" everyone cheers. After a slice of cake we head home from a long day. "Night Grell." I yawn.

"Night my love." he whispers kissing my forehead.

When I get in bed I keep thinking about Grell. I love it when he calls me love it's sounds amazing coming from his lips. Do I like grell?

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