Grell's missing

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-bells p.o.v- when I got home grell was still not here.

      "Grell! Stop playing games!" I shout aggravated. I go to Williams office hoping he seen him.

       "William!!" I yell bursting through his door. "Excuse me miss bell why are you being loud?" Williams asks me being all serious.

      "Grell is missing he hasent come home have you seen him?!" "He hasent come home?" "No!" I shout worried.

     "I have not seen him where could he be?" Williams thinks to himself looking out the window.

      "He is missing important work!" he huffs. I grab William by the collar and shout in his face. "Grell missing work is not important at the Moment!! His safety is important right now whether he is safe or not!!" I scream in his face.

     "I'm sorry that I upsetted you miss bell but I need work done ."Williams says sitting down continuing to work. lIs This a joke!!?"I yell stomping out.

     I go to undertakers shop hoping for answers. "Undertaker.."I whimper. He turns around and stop what he is doing to look at me. "yes love?" He questioned.

        My lip quivers at the thought of losing grell. Tears start to brim my eyes. Undertaker notices and stand up quick and brings me into his arms.

     "What's wrong love?"He asks rubbing my back? "G..Grell is missing!"I cry into his chest.

    "Shh it's ok." he whispers in my ear. "Have you seen him?" I look up at him with my glistening watery eyes.

     "No I'm sorry love I haven't." he says which only breaks my heart more making me sob more.

     "Come sit love." he says while hugging me. "Let's go out and look for him." undertaker suggests.

     ==time skip==
When were walking down the road we hear whimpering coming from the alley way. I stop and look at undertaker. "You hear that?" I ask.

      He nods looking down the alley. I follow the noise and my mouth drops seeing a bloody Grell laying on the floor holding his stomach groaning.

   "GRELL!!"I yell running and kneeling to him. "B..bell." he whimpers. "What happened? " I ask crying. 

     "Remember Claude?" he asks. I nod. "After we killed him his master Alois found out and came after me and shot me." he whimpered while moving and cause more pain.

   "Don't move sit still!" I demand him. We called the shinagami abulance and they came to take grell.

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