More work

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-Bells p.o.v- once we got back from the hospital we were sitting in the kitchen when there was a knock at the door.

    Undertaker gets up and answer it. "Oh hello Will." undertaker lets him in with a big smile.

    "miss Bell I'm here to collect the daily cinematic records you collected this past week." Will says sharply.

    I nod and hand him my book with all the cinematic records were held.

   "Thank you." he smiles. "So how's mr sutcliff?" He asks getting all serious. "Um he's healing but when I last saw him he was sleeping." I reply.

     "He needs to heal soon so he can work." Will demands.

    I try to bite my tongue so I don't blow up on Will but he acts like Grell is a child.

    Undertaker notices me getting angry and try's to calm me down. "REALLY!!" I shout at Will causing him to jump. "What?"He snaps.

     "Alls your worried about is work! You don't even care about Grells health!"I spit at him.

    "Well work is important so good day." he smiles evilly and walks out the door. I grunt, kicking a near by can on the floor and end up knocking it over.

     Undertaker sighs and leaves the room. I'm scared that I upsetted him from my anger, I hope I didn't.

     He is keeping me strong through all this. "Undertaker!" I shout hoping he'll hear me. Yet no reply. "Undertaker!!" I yell louder, still no Reply, so I walk into the back room to find him on a closed coffin while humming a strange tune to himself.

    "Undertaker did I upset you?" I ask while slowly approaching him. He just stares at the ground. "Adrien?"I call him by his real name which was a big mistake.

    He jumps up and pushes me up against a wall while pinning my arms up. "DONT YOU EVER CALL ME BY MY REAL NAME AGAIN!!" He spits in my face.

    Leaving me trembling from fear. He lets go and stares at me. The quickest thing I can think of is running away.

    "Wait Bell I'm sorry!"I hear him call from behind me as I continue to run.

    I reach a dark alley and soon as I get there I fall to my knees sobbing. Why does everyone hate me? I wish Grell was here.

    -Undertakers p.o.v-
I pace back and forth of the small room.

    What is wrong with me?! I scared the shit outta her, she probably hates me now, oh Grells going to kill me. I'm going after her!

    -Bells p.o.v- I hear faint footsteps coming closer and closer. Then I hear them right near me, I don't dare to open my eyes.

      I feel arms wrap around me. Then I'm pulled in a lap and being cradled.

     I open my eyes and I see I'm in undertakers Lap while he is holding me. "I'm so so so sorry Bell.

    I dident mean it. I just had a rough child hood and I don't want to hear Adrian being called agian, It brings back bad memories." he whispers in my ear.

    I sniffle into his chest. "I'm sorry." he whispers once again. I nod. "Do you forgive me?" He asks. I nod again  to answer him. "Let's go home." he says helping me up.

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