.:Chapter 14:.

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After all, this is all destiny that is unfolding within my hands of fate.

With that only thought on mind, I set out on my training mission to complete on big goal.

Kill Medusa.

-Timeskip o.o-

Third person POV:

It has been seven years since the 'death' of (Fullname). It seems like new people continue joining the DWMA. And with that, we bring you to a certain group everyone should know. The gang is made up with students in Dr.Stein's class, the E.A.T class.

They are Black☆Star, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Soul Eater Evans, Maka Albarn, Liz and Patty Thompson, and Death the Kid.

They are probably the most popular students among the world class. After all, Maka got a better mark on the recent test and Kid being the son of Shinigami-Sama as well.

Right now it is the night of the celebration of DWMA's foundings and the gang is inside the academy. The walls are coated in fantastic decorations making them standing out, as gang entered at the same time Shinigami-Sama started his speech.

"Yo! Hey! Hiya! How's it goin'?! Thanks for comin'!" The tall shinigami spoke excitingly.

"It's Shinigami-Sama!"

"Wow, Shinigami-Sama!"

The crowd cheered as they began to generally applause for this special occasion.

"Okay, well, that concludes my greeting." He said calmly.

"It really was just a greeting..." Soul mumbled, sweatdropping as well as Kid who mumbled, "Father is too carefree.."

"Please allow me to speck as well! With your permission, I, Death the Kid, son of Death, would like to say something." Kid started to talk, in replace for his father. Once again, Soul sweatdropped at this and mumbled, "He's a pro at this..." So Kid continued. "DWMA helps maintain world peace now, but--"

Soon Kid was cut off my the curtain hanging Black☆Star as he shouted, "It's me! It's me! The one and only Black☆Star!" As Kid saw this, the irration started to build up as he tried to continue only to be interruptted once again. Soon Kid was at his peak as he muttered, "Hmmm.. Lets see how I can put it in this way... Disgusted Dash!" He then stomped on Black☆Star cheek, forcing him onto the stage's wooden polish floor.

Then the two started to fight as the whole crowd followed Soul's lead and sweatdrop as well. Soon Shinigami-Sama, reclaimed the stage and spoke in a calm manner, "Well, this is a stand-up dinner party and there's even a band, so dance and party and stuff however you like!" As he responded with a 'okay' before everyone drifted away to different locations. The music was calm and jazzy as boys and girls were dancing to the beat. Black☆Star was already chowing down on platters of different dishes like pizza and chunks of meat on a bone. Tsubaki thinking how disgraceful Black☆Star is acting. Kid dancing with Liz and Patty as Kid told them to raise their legs 60 degrees upward and match them perfectly. While Patty 'okay-ed' it, Liz had said, "How embarrassing.." as Maka stood there watching them.

As the party went on, we bring you to the outside of the academy, inside the city. Where two mysteries cloaked people, walking closer and closer to the DWMA. "Medusa. We've entered Death City. Now what?" The first person thought, sending her brain message to Medusa as the pair continued walking. "Wait for me at the designed point for the singnal from me and Free. Also have we obtained their assistance?" Medusa responded back. "It's all set. Crona, or should I say Ragnarok, will be leading them here shortly." Eruka, one of the cloaked people responded as Medusa gave a, "I see. Good work." before signing off with them.

As time passed, seconds tick forward from Medusa leaning into Stein.

6 centimetres..

5 centimetres..

4 centimetres..

3 centimetres..

2 centi--


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