I had the strangest craving for bacon and went with it because it helped me push my cravings for blood down.

Going into the kitchen I went straight to the fridge and pulled out the kilo of bacon Staten had -why he needed that much bacon for himself who barely ate anything because vampires didn't need to was beyond me- and some eggs, placing them on the counter.

Smiling to myself I decided Xavier would love breakfast in bed after a very passionate night. I wasn't as good at making bacon and eggs like Xavier was but mine were still good and I knew Xavier would love it so I got straight into it.

Putting the bacon in the pan my mouth watered as it sizzled, toasting some bread and frying up the eggs I sang to myself and did a little dance like I used to when I cooked and I was by myself, the feeling of happiness and memories of what Xavier and I had done last night driving my happy singing mood.

I was swaying my hips and singing 'She Ain't You' by Chris Brown when I heard a wolf whistle and hands on my waist. I froze at the touch. These hands weren't the comforting one's that sent tingles over my body like my mates did, they felt wrong touching me.

"If I had known you could sing and dance like that as well as get to wake up to this sight in the morning I would have begged for you to live with me a long time ago" his voice purred in my ear his fingers squeezing my hips as he tried to pull me back against his body.

I dropped the spatula on the counter and pulled his hands away from me turning I found Staten staring down at me confusion and lust written all over his face. My heart jumped, I hadn't even realized he had come in and saw me and now that he was looking at me with such lust it made me feel wrong. The only persons lust I wanted directed to me was Xavier's.

"What are you doing Staten?" I said softly moving away from him.

I usually kept such a cool I don't give a shit attitude around Staten, but right now the look in his eyes made me nervous and slightly scared because he was unpredictable.

"What do you mean Lena?" he asked as took a step closer to me his hand reaching out to touch me.

I moved away trying to keep my distance, his eyes racked over my body taking in my bare legs that peeked out from under Xavier's t-shirt. My stomach dropped as I started to feel self-conscious.

"Stop Staten, why are you acting like this?" I growled out getting angry as his eyes oogled my body. Before I was nervous now I was just getting furious that he was looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

"I'm not doing anything Lena, I'm not acting any different" he said as he reached out and caught a strand of my hair twirling it around his finger as his eyes bored onto my face.

I stiffened in my spot and looked down at the ground not being able to move. I didn't understand what was wrong with me. I was supposedly some almighty vampire assassin that wasn't afraid of anything and yet right in this moment I felt defenseless and wasn't able to move.

Like prey.

I felt like the very prey I hunted and I hated it. It angered me more than when I cried, I always felt weak when I cried but this was just ridiculous.

Vampire Cravings: A Vampire's Heart Novel {Completed} (Book 3 of AVH)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora