Chapter 13 - Tonight Tonight

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, but it's impossible for you to not be cute," Louis said in return, making me turn my head towards him with a silly grin, "If cute was a person, it would be you." 

Before I could reply, Harry yelled, "If you two would like to stop flirting, we're ready to shoot the video!" from behind us, getting our attention. 

Blushing lightly I quickly walked away after getting my phone in place, as to avoid any awkward words with Louis. I swear, if I was the physical incarnate of anything, it would be awkwardness, not cuteness. 

"Niall, you're job is to play, restart, or pause the song. We'll probably go through it a couple times, getting shots from different angles. Can you handle that?" 

With a nod, he headed over so he was next to the speaker, ready to play it on our command. 

"What's our job?" Harry asked, slinging an arm over Louis' shoulder. 

"I need you to push apart the couch so the room is more open." 

"What do you mean 'push apart the couch'?" Louis replied questioningly. 

"The couch is two pieces of a couch put together to form the L, but also can be used as two couches if you want it to be." I explained. 

With a few instructions from me, they soon had the couch pushed apart, the part with a corner in the same place, but the other half pushed against a wall. 

"Now, are we all ready?" I asked everyone for the last time. 

"Wait, which parts are we gonna sing?" Erin inquired, and I realized I had skipped that part of planning. 

"Oh, um," I hesitated for a moment, thinking, "How about this. We do it a few times and get coverage of everyone singing each part of the song, then decide which people will sing what for the recording based on with parts we put together in editing?" 

After getting understand nods from the girls and confused stares from the boys, I signalled for Niall to start the music, and for Zayn and Liam to start recording. 

"Uno, dos tres," Kris and I said, almost like we had previously choreographed it, counting off the Spanish numbers on our fingers with faux serious expressions, our backs together and arms folded. 

"It's been a really really messed up week," Heather sang along, appearing where Kris and I had been as we walked forward and out of the shot to make room for her entrance, "Seven days of torture, seven days of bitter! And my girlfriend went and cheated on me, she's a California dime but it's time for me to quit her!" 

As Heather ducked down to leave the shot, I walked across doing the weirdest dance moves I could muster up, singing, "La la la!" 

"Whatever!" Erin popped up from the ground behind me, then back down. 

"La la la!" 

I continued, followed by Rikki jumping up and back down like Erin had, singing, "It doesn't matter!" 

"La la la!" 

"Oh well!" Kris sang, exploding from the floor like a popcorn kernal popping. 

"La la la!" 

The five of us girls jumped into screen, singing together, "We're goin' at it tonight! Tonight! There's a party on the rooftop, top of the world! Tonight tonight and we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign!" 

We danced weirdly together, like best friends do, enjoying the making of a music video to a song we all loved. "I don't know if I'll make it! But watch how good I'll fake it! It's all right! All right! Tonight! Tonight!" 

Erin took the next turn singing, "I woke up with a strange tattoo! Not sure how I got it, not a dollar in my pocket, and it kinda looks just like you!" She pulled Rikki into the frame, singing the 'you' to her, making Rhee chuckle. 

Just before she was about to sing the line, I saw Zayn hand her a piece of paper he had been quickly scribbling on before she began the verse. 

With no time to look at it, she held the picture up in front of Rikki, singing, "Mixed with Zach Galifianakis!" 

When Rikki looked down to find a doodle Zayn had drawn of Zach Galifianakis with her shoulder length dirty blonde hair, she literally fell over laughing. Literally. 

"La la la!" I sang again, barely able to hold my laughing in, as Rikki rolled around the floor laughing, Zayn laughing right along with her. Aw, cute kids. 

We repeated the same technique with the "La la la"s, except when the chorus came around, the girls and I pretended like we were too cool for all of this, folding our arms, making extremely exaggerated, "I don't care." face, and bobbing our heads. 

I took over, as the girls gave me a nudge forward, telling me it was my turn; which I had no problems with. 

"You got me singing like, woah! Come on!" I smiled a mild, sorta cute smile, making gestures while I sang that looked like someone trying to get the crowd that they were singing too, involved in the performance. "Ohh, it doesn't matter! Woah, everybody now! Ohh!" 

"Just don't stop let's keep the beat pumpin', keep the beat up, let's drop the beat down!" Kris sang, taking her turn, as I moved so she was only person visable on the camera, "It's my party dance if I want to, we can get crazy, let it all out!" 

Rikki went next, joining Kris in the frame, as they threw their arms over each other's shoulders. "Just don't stop let's keep the beat pumpin', keep the beat up, let's drop the beat down! It's my party dance if I want to, we can get crazy, let it all out! 

"It's you and me and we're runnin' this town, and," I sang, using wide gestures with my arms, bouncing on the heels of my feet, my smile wide, "It's me and you and we're shakin' the ground, and, ain't nobody gonna tell us to go, 'cause this is-" 

"OUR SHOW!" The girls joined me, jumping up, throwing their arms open in a wide 'surprise!' motion. 

The girls and I went back and forth, me singing, "Everybody!", followed by Kris, Heather, Erin, and Rikki replying with, "Woah!" 

"Come on!" I sang. 

"Oh!" The girls responded. 

"All you animals!" 


"Let me hear you now!" 


"Tonight! Tonight! There's a party on the rooftop, top of the world! Tonight! Tonight! And we're dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign! I don't know if I'll make it, but watch how good I'll fake it! It's all right! All right! Tonight! Tonight! It's all right! All right! Tonight! Tonight! Yeah, it's all right! All right! Tonight! Tonight!" 

The girls and I sang the rest of the song together, jumping around, being silly; honestly, just being ourselves. 

"It's my party dance if I want to, we can get crazy, let it all out, it's!" We finished together, immediately bursting into laughter, the boys joining us. Oh, how I loved my crazy group of people. 

Yes. MY people. They are mine. 


Okay, no they don't, but you get the point.

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