♠Chapter 20♠

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Everyone on the steeps look down at me, with smiles on their faces. As they see the blade I now have up to his neck. I put the blade closer as he keeps moving, trying to get away.

"There's no point Vladimir, I'm stronger and faster then you. You can't get away so easily." He growls in my hold still trying to get away, only to have the blade dig deeper into his neck.

Making him hiss out in pain as he stops moving a little. I smile before snapping my fingers making unbreakable chains, come out of thin air. And wrap around Vladimir's wirst, anculs, and waist.

They have a chain on them conating them together. As the chain wraps around my hand and wrist I walk pulling Vladimir with me. And hand the chain over to Wolfgang, with a smile on my face and in my eyes.

Wolfgang looks at me as he takes the chain, with his eyebrows up. "What do you want me to do with him my Queen?" I look from Vladimir to Wolf and smile more, "I want you to take the asshole."

I stop talking looking at Vladimir, and can't help my smile growing bigger. "Take the asshole to my place and put him in the jail cells, from there we will get everything ready for his and my final fight."

Vladimir looks at me as Wolfgang starts to pull him out of the were house. I keep smiling and cross my arms as Vladimir starts yelling. "This isn't the end Emma, I will have you and if I can't. I'll kill you, so no one will have you."

I just laugh as I start walking to the door before, stopping and teleporting to the bar. Where I see my brothers watching over the humans and, my beloved making me smile.

Alex looks over and sees me he stops talking, to everyone and starts walking over to me with a relieved smile. I move so I'm in his arms laying my head on his shoulder. As he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I sighs softly in contentment as I look up at Alex, before looking over at everyone else. I smile softly at them all, "so bro what did I miss?" I ask and can't help but laugh. They all laugh with me before coming over to me.

They give me a bear hug each as they smile. After getting a hug from all of them, I look back at Alex and take his hand. "Let's go love I need a bath and some reast." Alex smiles as we start walking to the door.

"Oh Brad can you drive Jake home he's Alex's cousin?" Brad smiles and says "sure sis." I then teleport us to my bedroom, where I kiss him softly before walking to the bathroom.

I take my clothes off and pour a nice hot bubble bath. Alex comes in behind me warpping his arms around me, as we both step into the bath water. As we are both now in I lean back into his chest.

I sigh and close my eyes as his hands reast on my stomach, and his head on my shoulder making me smile. After we sit in the bath for sometime, I move out of Alex's arms and grab the body wash.

I get ready to wash my body but before I can Alex takes it from me, and starts to wash my back. Then he moves me so I'm facing him and, he starts to wash my chest making me relax more.

Once I'm washed off I use the shower head to rinse the soap off. As I do that Alex let's the water out of the bath and gets out. Taking a towel from the towel warmer, he wraps it around my body then gets one for himself.

I smile and take his hand as we walk out of the bathroom, and into my bedroom. Only to have our door knocked on, I sigh and move to the bed where Alex and I get under the blankets.

"Come in" I yell just as my dad comes in with a smile, "good night sweetie." Smiling back I say "good night daddy." Once he leaves Alex and I fall asleep to each others heart beats.

************************************************************************** So that's the end of book one, and yes there will be a another book and the name will be BloodCorvinus. But right know I have writers block, so if you have any sagustions I would love to hear them. Please vote and comment. And thanks for readying my first book. I love all my readers.

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