♦Chaptet 10♦

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Alex gets up and walks over to me and wraps his arms around me, putting his chin on my shoulder. As we look out the window together Brian ask the question, I knew one of them were going to ask.

"So what will you do to him Em, we all know it will take a lot to hurt him." I look at him throw the window and, answer without hesitation. "I'm going to get Michael over here and become my true self, with all my power and strength."

"I will kill Vladimir just like he's been trying to do to me." They all looked at me like I lost my mind, which I didn't like, come on when someone is trying to kill you would you sit back and let it happen.

Yeah I don't think so well neither am I. I sigh and look at them, "what?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. Brian bites his lower lip before running his tongue over them. "Sis your still in your human form."

"And we can't gets ahold of Michael how, are you gonna become hole if we don't have him. To make you hole again?" I smile at him before moving and opening the window that I'm always walking to.

I then turn around and asked "let me see your phone Brian." He looks at me then puts his right hand, into his pocket and pulls out his cell. "I don't know what your gonna do with that, we have been calling and texting him all week. And he won't talk to any of us."

I smile as he throws his cell at me and I catch it, before opening it and text to Michael's number "4253 code Blood Red". The sending it and smiling once its sent I delete the message so Brian can't, see it before throwing it back to him with a smug look.

"Bee you really think Michael and I haven't thought about everything, before going in different ways?" He moves his eyebrow up, "What did you say in the message?" I smile more just as Michael come flying into the room.

"That my friend is for Emma and myself to know, no one else." We all hear a deep voice say from behind us. We all turn around at the same time, where Michael is standing at 6'6 with his upper body showing.

Black pants with no shoes, long shoulder lath brown hair and his Gold wings moving. I smile and move over to him as he moves to his knee's, head bowed and fist over his heart. "My Goddess."

I put my hand on his shoulder as he looks up at me, "Hello Michael, its good to see you after so long old friend. How have you been?" He smiles at me more. "I've been good my Goddess, from the code you used in the message to me. I would say its time to become hole once again?"

Sighing I move my hand from his shoulder, "Yes Michael it looks like Vladimir is free, and we both know what that means now don't we?"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well that's chapter 10 and I know all my chapters are short but hey the smaller the longer I make my book. Please tell me what you think and please vote and comment. Thank you.

BloodHeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora