♣Chaptet 18♣

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(Wolfgang POV)

I put my phone away and keep walking, as I get to the woods I take my clothes off and tire them to my leg. I them shift into my big gray wolf, I run with my muzzle in the air looking for her sent.

When I'm deeper in the woods I stop only to hear my phone ring. I shift back and take my phone out and answer. "What do you have for me?", I hear a sigh on the other end. Before Akira starts talking.

"Hey dad we found her sent, its down by a abandon were house. What do you want us to do?" I sigh softly "I want you to call Koga and Michael tell them where you are, then wait for me to get there."

"Yes dad." I put my phone back into my packet, before shifting back and running again. To where Akira and the others are waiting for me. As I'm running I can feel someone behind me, only to have a tiger beside me.

I laugh in my head knowing its a Koga, I turn my head to see other tigers with us. As we get close to the were house, we stop and shift back to our human forms. Once we are human again we all get dress.

We get to the were house just as Michael gets there, "where is she?". Akira looks at me before pointing to a blue were house, with blacked out window's. I nod my head and we all start moving as one.

As we get closer to the were house we can hear, people talking from the sound. There had to be half adosen people in there. We can smell Emma and hear her heart beat, so we know she still alive.

"I'm guessing they have her in the back room. Michael take the back with Koga, make sure they don't leave from back there. Akira you and "The Aleat 8" and I are taking the front."

They all nod their head before we all start moving out. Once we get to our pointed spots we mind-line to say that we are there. Once I'm in front of the door I kick it in, only to be attacked by five vampire's at once.

************************************************************************** Sorry I know another short chapter but yall will see why soon enough. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment.

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