♠Chapter 8♠

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I bite the inside of my cheek as I wait for him, to say something anything. Two minutes go by before he does, "is this a joke?" He says. I move over to the desk and sit on the end, well looking at Alex then at my brother's.

"No." Before saying it out loud "No Alex this is not a joke, I can show you." I stop and look at him waiting for his ok. He looks at me before he gets out, of the chair not taking his eyes off me and walks in front of me.

"Yes Emma, show me." I smiles up at him, but this time I let my fangs show. His eyes widen as he steeps closer, and puts his finger on my fang. Making a soft moan leave my lips. He looks at my eyes and sees that they are dark red.

He moves his finger over my fang more, drawing another moan from my lips. He raised his eyebrow at my moans, and looks a me with a smug smirk on his lips. I smile before moving my fangs from his touch.

"Sorry love but my fangs are very sensitive." He smiles back at me before he, gets a serious look on his face. "So now that I know what you are, are you going to tell me about this Vladimir guy?"

I sigh then move back to the window looking up at the sky, "Well you see Vladimir is a vampire too but, he's what we call a night walker. Nothing like me or the other day walkers I made."

"Vladimir was once human until the woman, that was his beloved tried to turn him. We didn't know back then that if someone other then me, tries to turn someone that they become night walkers."

I stop talking and looked at Alex before walking, to my book shelves where I pulled a book out. Putting it on the desk I bite my lip ring and sigh, before opening the book for Alex to see.

"This is a book that I have been writing, it starts with how I came to be. Then it has all the vampire History as well." Alex looks at the book then back at me, "so this is all about you and other vampires?"

I bite my lip ring more and softly sigh, "Not really its about how vamps become to be, and what happened if a human gets turned." I walk back to the window and began talking again, "You see when my friend turned Vladimir and he found out, that he was a nightwalker he killed her."

I can see Alex in the window and see just how big his eyes got with that information. "When he found out who I am and, how powerful I am. He only wished from me to be his, so 6,000 years ago he acted on it."

"I was in my human form then and, I didn't have the power to fight back. So he raped me. He thought by doing so that I would be his, little did he know it made me hate him with all that I am."

I heard growls coming from around the room so I knew it was my brother's, after so many times of me having to tell it. "After he raped me I found out that I was pregnant, that was the very first time I tried to kill myself." I whisper softly.

I rubbed my wrist where the scars are, "Brian was the one who found me and, took me to the hospital. I didn't want to be there I just wanted my life to end. Until I heard the beating of the babies heart."

"When that happened I promised myself that Vladimir would get what's coming to him." I sighed again "but the High Counsel don't see it my way, they said that because I was pregnant that they." I take a deep breath.

"That they couldn't kill him for his crimes, so they locked him up. Before they could he said and I quote, "I'll be back and when I do you will be mine or you will feel death" not something someone what's to hear."

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