♠Chapter 14♠

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He smiles at me before looking at Jake and asking him, "can you take her to the living room?" Jake smiles at me before he moves to the side, "please fallow me". I smile back and fallow him into the living room, when we got there he smiles again.

"So Emma where did you and Alex meet?", I smile and blush a little "We met at the mall, I was there with some friends and there he was." I say giggling as I look up to see Jake smiling at me. "Well I'm happy he found someone to love and who loves him back, he's been thought a lot."

"And he needs a good woman to make him happy", I smile and blush at his words. Jake has green eyes, with brown hair that ends at his shoulders. He had a smaller body then Alex but still ok looking for a kid. We hear a sound and look behind us to see Alex.

I smile even more and get up going over to him, "that was a fast shower love." He laughs that deep sexy laugh and puts his arms around my waist. I lean into him as I look back at Jake, "would you like to come with us kiddo?"

He looks up at me and smiles but before Jake can say anything Alex says "No". I look up at him and pout "why not as long as he has a stamp on his, hand he won't get anything to drink". Alex looks at Jake and sighs "Fine"

Jake and I jump up and yell "yay" and giggle as we all leave. We get into my car and I drive us to my club. When we get there we get out and look at the club, its a were house that I panted black. It also has black windows, its a big place its got three floors but you can only see two the third is underground.

There are two guys by the doors as we get closer, when we do the two guys bow their heads to me. Once they look up they say at the same time "Boss", I smile and look at them as I cross my arms. "So boys how's the night going so far?"

They smiled and look at Alex and Jake then back at me, "well boss everything is going good at the moment, we haven't seen any of the guys yet. So we're thinking that you gave them work before, coming here."

I laugh and put my hands by my side and shake my head. "Yes, boys they had work just like you two have to work." I raise my eyebrow at them as them even more. "Ok guys give Jake the stamp and then get back to work."

One of the guys pouts and looks at me like, I have two heads or something. "What's with the loom cuz its kinda funny?"

He looks at me again then starts to play with his fingers, "well you say you want us to work, but then tell me to give myself a stamp. I'm so lost right now." I burst out laughing putting my hands on my stomach.

"I d..didn't mean you Jake I meant the 16 year old Jake that's by my side." He looks at me then laughs with me, before taking the stamp from his pocket. Before putting it on Jakes hand, "so you have a friend that has the same name as my idiot twin?"

Jack ask as Jake slaps him upside the head, "I am not an idiot, idiot I just was lost there for a second." I laugh as Jack opens the doors for me and the others.

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