♪Chapter 15♪

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I take Alex's hand and we walk into the club and right to the bar. As the bartender puts a glass on the bar, with red liquid in it. I take the glass and put it to my lips taking a big drink, before looking at the bartender.

"Hey Romeo, is the guy I'm meeting here yet?" Romeo smiles at me and nods his head, "yeah he's here he's in your office waiting for ya, and he didn't seem happy at all Emma. So what's going on?"

I sigh before drinking the rest of the blood in my glass, and then turn to Alex and Jake. "Sorry do you guys mind staying here, as I go to my meeting? Y'all can get something to eat and drink as y'all wait." Alex smiles and nods before saying "go ahead baby."

I kiss Alex softly on the lips before heading to my office, I get there and open the door. As I walk in I see a guy sitting on the chair in front of my desk. I move and sit down before crossing my arms, over my chest and move my eyebrow up.

"So what's with the meeting and at this office and not the one you know, I have ally meetings at? And don't give me bullshit Alucard." He laughs before getting up and coming over to me hugging me tightly.

"Hey mommy I missed you and what's this I hear about that, asshole not being in jail anymore? And what has the Counsel said about it all?" I sigh and think to myself "well fuck me twice on Sunday he found out"

"Well sweetie the Counsel is no longer are the same people, and have no say in how I run my kingdom any longer." He looks at me with wide eyes before he crossed his arms and sat back down.

"What do you mean the Counsel is no longer the same people? Did something happen?" I laugh "No sweetie nothing happened to them, I just dismissed them and put new members in their place."

"The old Counsel wasn't putting my feeling first and we can't have that, I need to get rid of the one thing that can and will try to kill you. So he must be killed before something bad happens like me dying."

He looks at me and puts his head down and played with his hands, "so what are you going to do with him?" I sigh and get back up moving to my chair sitting down again, "well I'm going to kill him and make sure nothing bad can happen again".

"Because I'm so tired of his bullshit and having my ass in danger", Alucard shook his head and got up he walks over to me and kisses my head. "Mom you can do this I know you can, and he had this coming when he e tried to kill you after tapping you."

"He will need this to make everything right, we both know this mom." I smile up at him. I'm about to say something but got interrupted by a loud noise. I look up fast before getting to my feet, and run to my office door.

Alucard on my heels I get my door open and run out to the bar, just as we hear someone yelling my name. I look at everyone in the club to see Alex and Jake, with worried looks.

Alucard puts his arms around me and Alex and Jake, seen it they start to come over to us. Alex was about to say something before Alucard sighs and says "well mom looks like the asshole is here, for some fun".

I laugh and looks at him "yeah looks like its time to do what needs to be done, so let go of me so I can goofball." Alucard laughs before letting go of me and leaning on the bar. "Be careful mom."

************************************************************************** well there's chapter 15 please tell me what y'all think and if you have any thing y'all think I should add please give me your input. Please vote and comment thank you.

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