The dinner plates were cleared and Grandpa Harold motioned for dessert to be served while he mentioned that he wanted to discuss something. As the vanilla ice cream and apple pie was served, he stood up and demanded attention. After shooting the maid a look of dismissal he turned to the table.

“It’ been brought to my attention that there have been some unfortunate events that have happened in the last few months.”

Dad’s head automatically shot up and he looked at my mother like she had spilled the beans.

“Son, I’ve known for a long time that you’ve had a gambling addiction, your mother tried to hide it from me but I knew all along, which is why I’m not surprised that you have to merge the business so that we don’t go under. The truth is that there is still a lot more money, I just cut off your access from it so you couldn’t spend it all.”

I could hear the whole table gasp, but Ronan, Carter and I already knew what was going on.

“That being said, I see that your very illegal selling of your daughters hand is nulled full and void. I have changed my will and left you a small portion of the business but the sole owner is now Bentley, who has stated that he wants to pursue another career for now, leaving the business to his right-hand-man, Ronan. I couldn’t be more proud of this decision and I hope to have the honor of welcoming you to the family formally, Ronan” Grandpa said smiling at Ronan.

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? JUST LIKE THAT AND I FUCKING LOSE EVERYTHING?! BRYNN AND I HAVE A CHILD! I’M GOING TO MARRY HER AND TAKE MY RIGHTFUL PLACE!” Payton shouted, shoving his chair bag in a fit of rage that it hit the wall.

I was out of the way before he could lose his temper more, pulled aside by Carter while Mr. Emerson held his son back.

“I think it’ time everyone should know that Brynn’s baby isn’t Payton’s.” Roxie shouted, holding her stomach as fear crossed her face due to how violent Payton was getting.

The whole room went silent and I glared at my sister. This totally wasn’t the way that was supposed to come out. Payton looked at me like I was the filthiest person on the planet and I looked at Ronan, who gave a noncommittal shrug and smirked at Payton.

“This kid I’ve been taking care of is his? You’ve been using me?!” Payton shouted, charging at me without thinking.

 Travis’s fist shot out and caught him straight in the jaw, “You’ve been using her as a bargaining chip. You wanted to get her pregnant so that you could make sure your title would stick, now that the baby isn’t yours, you have nothing now and I’m glad you’ve got nothing. You never deserved it anyway.” He finished his rant and left the house.

Bentley started a slow clap and laughed as Mr. Emerson helped Payton up. “You’ll be hearing from our lawyers!” Payton shouted as his father, embarrassingly, dragged him out of the house.

“Oh shut up and get in the car.” Mrs. Emerson said covering her red cheeks in shame as her son had to be dragged out of the house. Blaine and Harley quickly followed after and the door closed loudly on the way out.

“That was hysterical.” Carter laughed, bending over to catch his breath.

“I’m still confused on what happened, in all honesty.” My mother said, glaring at Ronan and I.

“Mom, get over it. Brynn’s baby is Ronan’s, Grandpa gave the company to me, and we’re all going to live happily ever after.” Bentley said like it was blatantly obvious.

“I can’t believe you gave the company to my twenty year old son.” My dad fumed, grabbing his coat and heading to the door.

“I gave him the company because you’re obviously too immature to handle a large company. I suggest you get into a rehab center for your gambling. It’ll ruin the life of the ones you love.”

Dad slammed the door and we all waited for him to realize that he was leaving his own house. When he didn’t come back mom went to check on him and they left together to calm him down. Bentley and Roxie left soon after that, and the River’s followed right behind them leaving Grandpa Harold, Ronan and I alone.

“Thank you so much for helping us.” I hugged my grandfather tight.

He kissed the top of my head, “It was nothing, princess.” Turning to Ronan he gave him “The evil eye”, and said, “You take care of my granddaughter and my great granddaughter. I’m giving you a lot to handle in a short amount of time but I trust you. Take care you two.” Grandpa Harold shook Ronan’s hand before leaving us completely alone.

Ronan looked at me with the happiest look on his face. “It’s over. Finally over. I can now breathe easy knowing that I only have to share you with my little boy or girl inside of you. I actually can’t even believe that after everything we’re finally going to be able to do the things a normal couple should do.”

I grinned and pulled him down for a long and heated kiss, “Well, damn.” He said as I pulled away.

“I love you.” I said smiling like a moron up at him.

“I love you too, Brynn. Always and forever.”

The End.


Okay, first of all, after almost 4 years I'm glad to say that this story has offically there will not be a sequel, and like I said in my previous messages, there won't be an epilogue until I've gone through and edited it. I will started editing it when I can, I am currently working on new stories and trying to finish TOTGA! If you haven't read that, you should totally check it out. I'll have that next chapter posted ASAP! So let me know how you like the ending, it was rushed but I am going to edit it because there are a lot of plot holes and stuff missing from this story. So please comment and vote, let me know how you enjoyed the book! I love you all for sticking with me and continuing to read the story even though it dragged for so long. You guys are simply amazing! <3

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