He found the pills right away but kept his hands in the pockets, squeezing Michael's ass and bringing him closer to himself. Michael snorted but didn't walk out of Ashton's grip.

"Meet me at by the car later" Ashton mumbled into Michael's ear and gave his ass one more squeeze.

Michael scoffed and shook his head. "If I'd be the one to say that you'd probably say no"

"But now that isn't the case. Meet me at the car in 30 minutes" Ashton now demanded and Michael gave him a look before nodding.

"Fine, you bitch" Michael mumbled and Ashton kissed his friend's neck before pinching his sore wrist and walking away.

"Fucking idiot!" Michael yelled after him and Ashton threw one middle finger up in the air.

He walked over to the football field, aiming for the bleachers as he knew it was there the scared players would try to hide.

He was right because as he saw the bleachers from afar, he saw three guys stand there, shuffling around on their feet anxiously. When they saw Ashton walking closer to them they tensed and kept still. Ashton rolled his eyes at everything.

"Hey man" of of the guys said and Ashton just gave him a bored look. For them to think talking to him was okay was a fucking wrong move.

Ashton picked up the small bag containing around 20 pink pills and threw them to one of the guys.

"$85" Ashton said shortly, not wanting to be here and speak with those people more than he had.

"$85? My dude said it would be $70" One of the boys spoke up and Ashton sighed irritated.

"I don't know who the fuck your 'dude' is, but what I just gave you is $85"

The three boys looked at each other and back to Ashton before one of them spoke up again.

"We only have $70, we'll give you rest of your money some other ti-"

Ashton just sighed and walked over to the boy holding the pills, cutting off the one talking. He grabbed the pills from the boy and put it back in his pocket.

"I don't do monthly payments" Ashton mumbled before walking off again without a second glance.

He walked over to one of the school entrances again and didn't even bother to watch out for other people. He put himself first so people should do the same.

He bumped into a slight muscular body as he walked into the school but didn't even bother to spare the person a glance.

"Watch where you're going, idiot" the person snapped.

"No Jack, don't-"

Ashton turned around immediately at the words thrown his way and then the familiar voice.

He looked at the two blonde boys in front of him. One familiar and the other not so much. The visibly older one looked a lot like Luke though, so Ashton figured out pretty quickly they were family.

"Who's your friend, Luke?" Ashton asked as he walked closer to the two blondes and he enjoyed seeing Luke tense up when Ashton was walking towards them.

"You know this guy? How?" the bigger blonde said, looking between Luke and Ashton.

"No" Luke said and shook his head. "This is my brother" he added the answers to Ashton's question in a quiet mumble.

"If you don't know him, how does he know your name?" Jack asked his brother, giving him a pointed look.

What Ashton didn't know was that Jack, and Luke's other brother Ben, were very protective of their little brother. Seeing a boy like Ashton approach the small blonde made Jack want to rip Ashton's neck.

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