High Risk Kiss Reward

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Sam gasped as he saw Ayano pin Kevin to the floor, the young man's body trembling beneath the weight of her foot. Kevin stared up at Ayano, his eyes wide and his breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "Ay-Ayano, please get off me?" he asked, his voice quivering with a mix of fear and something else.

Ayano chuckled, the sound low and rich, as she continued to twist her foot in slow, deliberate circles on Kevin's chest. Kevin's heart raced, the pounding echoing in his ears as a flush crept across his cheeks. "Why?" Ayano purred, her voice dripping with a dominant confidence. "You seem to like it, don't you? Crushed beneath my feet?"

The other students snickered, and Kevin felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. The dojo suddenly felt smaller, the prying eyes of his classmates burning into him. He squirmed beneath Ayano's relentless pressure, his muscles straining as he fought to break free.

"Please..." he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sounds of the sparring around them. "I can't... I don't..."

Ayano's lips curled into a satisfied smirk, and she leaned down, her breath tickling Kevin's ear. "That's right, little one," she murmured. "Just stay right where you are, and accept your place."

Kevin felt the atmosphere shift, the energy in the dojo transforming from focused sparring to a captivating spectacle centered around Ayano's dominance. Whispers of excitement circulated among the students, their eyes gleaming with admiration for their formidable classmate. Even the masters, observing from the sidelines, appeared impressed by Ayano's commanding performance. The dojo had transformed into a stage, with Ayano as the undisputed protagonist, and everyone present willingly assumed the role of an eager audience, anxiously awaiting her next move.

"Your place," Kevin muttered under his breath, his gaze averted, unable to meet the intense gaze of his fellow student. As Ayano's footsteps pressed against the floor, the sound seemed to taunt and twist in Kevin's stomach, filling him with a mix of strange discomfort and anticipation. He keenly felt the weight of their collective expectations, silently urging him to accept his position beneath Ayano's feet. A slight flush colored his cheeks, a visible manifestation of his inner turmoil.

"Alright, that's enough, Ayano," Sam said, his voice laced with confusion as he tried to intervene. The other students and masters stood by, watching with a mix of amusement and discomfort.

Ayano's eyes narrowed, and in a flash, she flicked her knife towards Sam's face. The young man flinched, but before the blade could reach him, he dodge  to shot series of rapid-fire arrows blasted it out of the air, his bow drawn and his eyes narrowed in determination.

Ayano dodged the arrows, her movements a blur of power and grace. She lashed out with a powerful kick, striking Kevin's body and sending him sliding across the mat like a human projectile. Kevin's body collided  with Sam to disarmed him on Kevkn slammed against the bleachers, the impact drawing a groan from his lips as he lay dazed and disoriented.

Ayano turned her attention to Sam, her foot pressing down on his chest with the same merciless force she had used on Kevin. Sam's eyes widened in shock, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

"Look, stop!" Kevin cried, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation. "I'll admit it, I like it. Just leave Sam alone. I'll take it."

Ayano paused, her dark eyes fixed on Kevin's face. A sinister smirk spread across her lips as she slowly withdrew her foot, leaving Sam gasping for air.

The humid air in the dojo clung to their skin, the scent of sweat and determination mingling with the faint aroma of liniment oil. The muffled thud of fists against padded gear punctuated the hush that had fallen over the room as the other students and trainers paused to watch the unfolding scene.

Ayano sauntered over to Kevin, her movements smooth and predatory. She reached down, her fingers tracing the contours of his chest, and he let out a soft, pained grunt. The other students shifted uncomfortably, their eyes darting between the two as they dried off and began to dress.

"Good, good," Ayano purred, her voice dripping with a sinister satisfaction. "You'll address me as your girlfriend now, puppet. You'll crawl to my feet later."

Kevin shrank back, his face flushing with a mix of humiliation and something else that the onlookers couldn't quite place. Ayano gathered her knife, and the students and trainers erupted into a hushed chorus of whispers and gossip.

"We need to get you to class now," Ayano said, her tone brooking no argument. "Get your friend Sam up."

Kevin hesitated, his gaze flickering to Sam, who lay dazed and disoriented on the floor. The other students watched with a mix of curiosity and unease, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.

Kevin winced, feeling a slight soreness in his stomach as he rubbed it, his muscles protesting from the earlier exertion. As he walked, he observed the judgmental expressions on the faces of his peers, making him feel unsettled on his first day. He wasn't comfortable with the rusty state of his abilities, having refrained from using his semblance to kiss other girls or boys, as he preferred girls. Wanting to assist Sam, Kevin grunted and reached out to help him to his feet, simultaneously rubbing his throbbing headache. He grabbed his marksmen gear, not particularly fond of Ayano and aiming to maintain a distance from her. Kevin accepted Sam's weight on his shoulders as he lifted him up from the squeaky dojo floor. In the back of his mind, he contemplated kissing Ayano, hoping that it would lead to stealing her power despite her twisted nature.

However, he worried about the consequences if she perceived any betrayal or discovered his inclination to kiss others. Finding the right romantic partner seemed as challenging as finding a needle in a haystack, especially when pitted against the formidable Ayano. Kevin knew he needed to train diligently to regain his rusty skills.

The exchange of glances among the students and trainers was palpable, their words hanging unspoken in the air, halted by Ayano's piercing gaze. With a swift turn of her attention back to Kevin, she caressed his cheek with a touch that held both tenderness and menace. Her voice, dripping with authority, sent a shiver down his spine. "Yes, my obedient puppet, you'll do as I say, always." she purred, leaving no room for defiance. The students and trainers, aware of the consequences, wisely refrained from interjecting.

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