Friendly Spare

18 0 0

The cafeteria was a bustling hive of activity, the air thick with the mouthwatering aromas of freshly cooked meals. The sizzling and simmering sounds of the kitchen wafted out, mingling with the cacophony of clattering plates, clinking utensils, and the lively chatter of students. The space was alive with energy, students gathered around tables, their voices rising and falling in animated conversation. The rich scent of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air, cutting through the savory scents of hearty stews and crisp, golden-brown pastries.

Sam and Kevin pushed their way through the crowded cafeteria, the fabric of their uniforms whispering and rustling as they moved. The polished hardwood floors echoed with the rhythmic thud of their footsteps, the sound punctuated by the occasional scrape of a chair or the slamming of a tray against a table.

Suddenly, a commotion up ahead caught their attention. A growing crowd of students had gathered, their excited murmurs and exclamations piquing their curiosity. As they drew closer, the unmistakable clash of metal on metal reached their ears, followed by the grunts and cries of exertion.

In the center of the circle, two students in full combat gear were engaged in an intense sparring match, their weapons whirling and striking with blinding speed. The air filled with the shrill ring of steel, the impact of each blow sending vibrations through the floor. The fighters moved with grace and power, their footwork nimble and their strikes precise, as they traded blows in a mesmerizing display of skill and bravery.

Kevin and Sam paused to watch, their eyes wide with awe. "Wow, two versus one and this guy is holding his own," Kevin said, his voice rising above the din of the crowd. Ruby, who had joined them, nodded in agreement, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

The trio continued to observe the breathtaking display, the energy in the air almost palpable as the fighters pushed each other to their limits, the thunderous applause of the onlookers echoing through the cavernous space.

As the intense sparring match continued, the crowd grew increasingly excited, their cheers and whoops echoing through the cavernous cafeteria. The clash of blades and the grunts of effort filled the air, captivating the onlookers.

Ruby watched the display with a smug expression, leaning over to Kevin and Sam. "You know, if you two had the kind of skill and choreography on display here, you might actually stand a chance in a real fight," she teased, her tone dripping with amusement.

Kevin sighed and shot a sidelong glance at Sam. "Ruby's got a point," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance. The two of them had always been a bit competitive, and being outshined by this impressive display of fighting prowess was clearly stinging their pride.

Ruby couldn't resist adding a little more salt to the wound, leaning in and whispering conspiratorially, "And let's not forget how your rival brother easily beat you in that last sparring session, hmm?" A few nearby girls giggled at the jab, causing Kevin to flush with embarrassment.

"Not cool, Ruby," he growled, his eyes narrowing. "You're such a mischievous little girl!"

Ruby simply snickered, reveling in her ability to get under Kevin's skin. She knew exactly how to push his buttons, and she found no small amount of enjoyment in doing so.

The fight continued to rage on, the lone fighter showing no signs of relenting. With a sudden burst of movement, he managed to disarm one of his opponents, dodging a flurry of kicks and punches. He backed up, elbowing and kneeing his way through the onslaught, until he finally found an opening to strike, sending one of the fighters reeling across the floor.

Now left with a one-on-one matchup, the crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch, eagerly anticipating the outcome of the battle.

The cafeteria erupted with palpable excitement as the fierce sparring match intensified. The clash of steel on steel reverberated through the cavernous space, accompanied by the grunts and shouts of the combatants as they danced across the floor.

Girl's eyes glowed with a fiery red hue, her smirk betraying a predatory delight as she launched herself at her opponent. The air whistled as she threw a sharp kick, which he deftly blocked, countering with a flurry of punches. Ruby's claws flashed in a furious motion, her blows slamming against his sword with a resounding groan.

Undeterred, the young man pressed his attack, his footsteps pounding against the polished floor as he weaved and twisted, searching for an opening. Ruby disappeared in a burst of speed, only to reappear with a devastating kick that sent him reeling. He recovered quickly, his sword cutting through the air in a series of swift strikes that forced Ruby to duck and dodge.

Suddenly, the air crackled with energy as Girl conjured a barrage of fireballs, raining them down upon her opponent. He scrambled to evade the searing projectiles, sliding and lunging through the onslaught. Undaunted, he charged forward, his fists and feet a blur as he sought to break through her defenses.

The two combatants clashed with bone-jarring impacts, their blows echoing through the space and eliciting gasps and cheers from the enthralled crowd. Kevin couldn't help but join in the excitement, clapping enthusiastically as Ruby and her opponent continued their breathtaking display of skill and power.

Sensing an opportunity, the young man launched himself at Girl, slamming her through the wall and into the next room, the spectators eagerly following the trail of destruction, eager to witness the conclusion of this thrilling encounter.

Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें