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Karlin's knees pressed against the coarse surface, sending a shiver of sensation up his legs as he slowly advanced. Every calculated movement brought him closer to his target, hidden among the bustling footstands. The encompassing shadows embraced him, a velvety veil of darkness that obscured his features, heightening the sense of mystery. Amidst the blaring symphony of car horns and the infectious laughter of the crowd, he remained unseen, his presence seamlessly blending with the vibrant surroundings.

Couples and groups of people passed by, their voices filled with excitement, their footsteps resonating with purpose, creating a cacophony of sound that reverberated through the air. The grandeur of the hotel entrance captivated their attention, their gazes fixated on the dazzling lights and opulent facade. Aware of the need for inconspicuousness, Karlin became a ghost among the sea of faces, skillfully avoiding any unnecessary interactions that could jeopardize his mission. His fingers tightened around the hilt of his katana, its cool metal providing a reassuring grip. Determination etched in his eyes, he pressed forward, meticulously scanning the environment for subtle clues that would guide him towards his elusive target.

In the outskirts of Avenue Jenny, his attention was captivated by a peculiar sight—a rainbow-colored package crackling with an otherworldly energy. It stood out amidst the teeming throng of pedestrians, a shimmering beacon in the chaotic city streets. Intrigue ignited within Karlin, compelling him to investigate. He adjusted his path, moving cautiously, each step calculated to avoid drawing unwanted attention.

As he approached the package, an eerie sensation permeated the air, causing a tingling sensation that sent a shiver down Karlin's spine. The aura surrounding the package exuded an enigmatic power, a force that both intrigued and unsettled him. It was no ordinary parcel; his instincts screamed that something extraordinary lay within. With utmost caution, he reached out, extending his fingers to brush against its surface. The moment his skin made contact, a surge of energy coursed through his veins, electrifying his senses. Visions erupted in his mind's eye—an epic tapestry of heroes, ancient prophecies, and a world teetering on the precipice of chaos.

Suddenly, a group of heroes materialized from the surrounding revelry, fixating their eyes on Karlin. In a swift motion, he secured the orb within his pocket, feeling its smooth surface under his tightening grip.

Frustration mingled with shock as one of the heroes shouted, "Hey, you! Karlin, you're not supposed to!" Before the words fully left their lips, a katana blade soared menacingly towards Karlin's face. His honed reflexes kicked in, allowing him to elegantly evade the deadly arc, countering with a swift strike of his own sword. The clash of steel reverberated through the air, resonating with an intense energy as a furious battle ensued. Karlin's katana danced with deadly precision, skillfully parrying the onslaught of attacks from the five heroes. His movements carried a fluid grace, incorporating acrobatic flips along the walls and launching powerful kicks to subdue his adversaries. Dark energies surged within him, fueling his strikes, causing the heroes to groan under the weight of his onslaught. In a final flourish, he gracefully flipped over their heads, landing near the orb they sought to protect.

"Hey!" Aroan's voice boomed, his frustration palpable. He urgently signaled his guards and the police officers to open fire on Karlin, desperate to halt his progress.

The chaos erupted as bullets whizzed through the air, their crackling sound piercing the space. Panic gripped the onlookers, seeking refuge beneath tables and nearby objects. But Karlin, a master of his craft, spun his katana like a windmill, deflecting the bullets with unparalleled precision. The projectiles shattered, their fragments scattering in all directions. The police officers, momentarily disoriented, stumbled over their own armor, their attempts to apprehend him thwarted.

Seizing the opportunity, Karlin swiftly evaded a charging tackle, crashing through a nearby window. He sprinted through the golden rays of the afternoon sunlight, feeling its warmth on his skin, his senses heightened, his mind laser-focused on evading his relentless pursuers. Aroan's grunts echoed through the streets as he struggled to keep up, his muscles straining under the weight of his equipment. With a swift motion, Karlin kicked his feet, expertly reloading his gun and securing his knife, fully prepared to confront the heroes who pursued him with unwavering determination.

Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18Where stories live. Discover now