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Kevin remained fast asleep, softly snoring as he lay with his head in Sam's lap. He let out a gasp, his cheeks tinted with a slight blush, as he tried to roll his eyes while engaged in a low chat with the boys through his headphones. They hoped Kevin wouldn't do anything peculiar.

Red and Milita grew increasingly anxious for Kevin's safety, especially Ruby, who was fending off the assassin lady sent to kill him. They hadn't received any updates and kept a watchful eye on the nerds, who were gazing out the windows or occupied with painting their nails and engaging in girl talk.

"Shouldn't Ruby be done by now and join us?" Milita asked Red, her impatience evident as she pulled out her phone. She worried to death about their letter and was growing grumpy, her body leaning against the window, jolting slightly as the school bus's loud motor hit another red light.

"They're still fighting," Red said with a snarl, her partner glancing over to witness Ruby's rapid fiery combos and fierce thrusts against Stencil. They skillfully dodged and weaved, employing dark magic powers and exchanging blows, grappling and wrestling, crashing through walls and across hallways. Elbow guards, jabs, haymaker strikes, and frenzied grappling filled the air, creating quite a crowd of students and teachers watching in awe and recording the spectacle.

Milita wiped her face, covering it with her hands, trying to calm herself down. "Oh my freaking God..." she muttered. Red wanted to suggest something, but she smacked her fingers to silence her.

"Let them sort it out. I don't want to be in the middle of it. This is the most awkward enemy rivalry I've ever seen in my life," she said, pouting and leaning her body against the window, mimicking what some other students were doing to pass the time. Red chuckled, shrugged her shoulders, and continued to watch the fight scene for over five or ten minutes before grabbing some snacks from her backpack.

The thunderous clash of their weapons reverberated through the hallway, the sheer force of the impact knocking Ruby and Stencil to the ground in a tangle of limbs. They hit the floor with a series of loud thuds, the vibrations rippling through the concrete and making the walls tremble. Groaning, they pushed themselves back up, their feet kicking against the scuffed tiles as they readied themselves for another round.

"Why won't you just freaking die already!?" Stencil screamed, her voice strained with exertion as she poured more power into her aura. The air crackled with energy, the hairs on Ruby's arms standing on end as Stencil's dark magic swirled around her.

Ruby planted her hands on her hips, trying to channel her own rage to fuel her depleted reserves. Her breath came in ragged gasps, sweat trickling down her temples and soaking her hair. "I could say the same to you, you bitter, grim-faced hag!" she retorted, her words dripping with disdain.

Stencil's lips curled into a dark smile as she perched on the edge of a collapsed locker, her piercing gaze sweeping over the crowd of students and teachers who had gathered to watch the spectacle. They flinched under her scrutiny, quickly fumbling for their phones to capture the fight on video.

Both girls stared each other down, their chests heaving as they struggled to catch their breath. The pungent scent of singed metal and ozone hung heavy in the air, mingling with the salty tang of sweat. Ruby could feel the trembling in her legs, the strain of the prolonged battle taking its toll.

Stencil scoffed, her tongue darting out to lick her dry, cracked lips. "Can't say I've met an enemy that could keep up with me before," she said, a hint of reluctant admiration in her voice. "It's been...nice, facing a worthy bounty protector."

Ruby's lips curved into a sardonic smile. "Like I'm going to make it easy for you to kill off my family? Absolutely not," she said, a chuckle of dark amusement rumbling in her chest.

Stencil's dark smirk widened as Ruby's defiant words reached her ears. "Wow, so Ruby Keivan is already part of your family, is he?" she drawled, a mocking edge to her voice. "That's quite something, considering you barely know the guy. Then again, he does have a habit of causing trouble, doesn't he?"

Stencil let out a derisive chuckle, her piercing gaze boring into Ruby's. "I guess he must have forgotten something important - something that put him on my hit list as a claimed bounty. Not that I would have hesitated to cash in on it, regardless of his connection to you."

Her fingers drummed against the dented locker as she regarded Ruby with a condescending air. "So tell me, dear Ruby, how does it feel to have your family torn apart piece by piece? Because that's exactly what's going to happen if you continue to stand in my way."

Ruby's lips curled into a sly, sardonic smile as she listened to Stencil's taunts. "Oh my goodness, you really scare me," she drawled, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Unlike you, I'm actually willing to give people second chances. Things happen so fast, you know?"

She leaned in slightly, her eyes glinting with a challenging gleam. "But I guess you're too busy with your tunnel vision to see the hope in people's eyes, huh? Maybe you should try opening your eyes a little wider."

Ruby straightened up, crossing her arms over her chest as she regarded Stencil with a look of feigned pity. "Or maybe that's just too much effort for someone as jaded and bitter as you. Wouldn't want to risk actually seeing the humanity in someone, now would we?"

Her tone turned mockingly sympathetic. "Poor Stencil, so afraid of getting her heart broken that she has to tear everyone else's apart first. How tragic."

Stencil words dripped with sarcasm as she scoffed, "Give me a break, you're so delusional, just like him." The air was thick with tension as Stencil cringed, her hands coming up to cover her face.

"Aww, what, are you looking for redemption too, bounty hunter?" Ruby asked in a sweet, mocking tone, her eyes blinking innocently. The wet strands of her hair flapped against the water-stained tiles as she swayed back and forth.

"I mean, you and I aren't dead yet, who knows, we could form an alliance. What do you say?" Ruby asked, punctuating her words with a wink. Stencil scoffed, pushing herself up from the crumpled locker with a gruff tone.

"Nice try, Rosey, but we're still rivals. If I can't cash in the money, our assassin organization will!" she declared, her voice echoing through the crowded hallway as she stomped off, a new sense of determination in her steps. Ruby could see the relish in her expression as she held a new Resper in her hands. "Keivan will still slip off, and he will be mine!" Stencil's voice faded as she searched for an exit among the throng of students.

Ruby chuckled, swinging her hand dismissively as she pulled out her phone. "Good luck with that," she whispered, her steps cautious as she made her way to ensure Keivan's safe arrival at the new school academy.

Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang