You're With Me Or Not?

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The bartenders giggle and exchange a conspiratorial look, their eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, you two seem like you're just full of questions tonight!" one of them says in a playful tone, leaning forward slightly. The sound of their laughter and the glimmer of mischief in their eyes adds to the lively atmosphere.

"Well, we'd be happy to tell you what we know about our dear Karlin," the other bartender chimes in, her voice dropping to a low, confidential tone. The air around them seems to hold a sense of secrecy and anticipation. "But you know how it is - we barkeeps have to keep some secrets, don't we?" She winks slyly, creating a sense of intrigue.

Straightening up, the first bartender clears her throat and adopts a more professional demeanor. The sound of her throat clearing cuts through the air, capturing the attention of the patrons around. "Anyway, your house specials will be out in just a moment, gentlemen. Do let us know if there's anything else we can get for you in the meantime." Her tone carries a hint of efficiency and hospitality.

As she turns to prepare the drinks, the other bartender gives the teenager a warm, friendly smile. Her smile seems to radiate comfort and assurance. "Just sit back and relax, hon. We'll take good care of you." The soft clink of glassware and the gentle hum of conversation create a comforting background noise.

Ozpin chuckles and adjusts his glasses, the light reflecting off the lenses as he regards the bartenders with a knowing look. The sound of his chuckle adds a touch of amusement to the atmosphere. "Ah, I see you ladies know how to keep your secrets. A respectable trait in this line of work, I must say." The glint in his eyes suggests a shared understanding.

He turns to the teenager, placing a hand on his shoulder. The gentle pressure of his hand offers reassurance. "Well, my young friend, it seems our inquiries have piqued the bartenders' interest. But no matter, I'm sure we'll uncover the truth about this Karlin character soon enough." His voice carries a note of determination and confidence.

Ozpin nods politely to the bartenders. The gesture adds a touch of respect to the atmosphere. "In the meantime, please do bring us those house specials. We'll be sure to enjoy them while surveying the... unique atmosphere of this establishment." The anticipation of the upcoming meal lingers in the air.

The teenager offers a faint smile through his mask, his gaze sweeping across the dimly lit bar. The sound of romantic couples murmuring to each other adds a sense of intimacy, while the gruff voices of biker dudes engaged in hushed conversations create an air of mystery. The mingling scents of cigarette smoke and the clinking of glassware enhance the overall ambiance of the place.

As the bartenders return with their drinks, a group of scantily clad women burst through the doors, shivering from the cold outside. The sudden entrance disrupts the tranquility of the bar, eliciting a mixture of reactions from the patrons. Whistles and catcalls fill the air, adding a touch of excitement and a slightly unsavory element to the atmosphere.

Ozpin raises an eyebrow, taking a sip of his drink as he observes the scene unfolding around them. The taste of his drink and the clinking of ice cubes against the glass create a moment of reflection. "Well, it seems we've stumbled upon quite the den of iniquity, haven't we? Interesting... very interesting indeed." His tone carries a hint of intrigue and curiosity.

He turns to the teenager, his expression grave. The weight of his gaze adds a sense of seriousness to the atmosphere. "Remember, my friend, keep your wits about you. There's no telling what sort of unsavory characters we may encounter here. But if we're to uncover the truth about Karlin, I suspect we've come to the right place." The teenager's grip tightens around his glass, a mix of determination and apprehension filling his eyes.

Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя