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Ozpin tensed as the officer's gaze locked onto him, the air thick with tension. The professor could feel the weight of the officer's scrutinizing stare, his fingers twitching nervously towards his holstered weapon. The tension in the air and the twitching fingers add sensory details that reflect the heightened atmosphere.

"I'm merely minding my own business, officer," Ozpin replied slowly, his voice measured and calm, though his heart raced beneath his chest. As his eyes met the officer's, he caught a glimpse of something dark and unsettling – a hint of corruption that sent a chill down his spine. The measured voice and the racing heart convey Ozpin's attempt to remain composed despite his inner turmoil. The glimpse of corruption and the chill down his spine create a sense of unease.

Suddenly, Ozpin's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the familiar badge of The Shadows, a notorious criminal organization that had evaded his grasp for years. "Oh, dear," he breathed, the realization dawning on him. The widening of his eyes and the realization dawning on him add sensory details that reflect Ozpin's shock and concern.

Before he could react, the officer had drawn his weapon, the sharp report of gunfire echoing through the dimly lit bar. Ozpin instinctively ducked, the stools around him splintering and crashing against the walls as the bullets whizzed past. The bartender and his workers cried out in terror, ducking for cover as the chaos unfolded. The sharp report of gunfire, the splintering stools, and the cries of terror add sensory details that immerse the reader in the intense scene.

Thinking quickly, Ozpin grabbed one of the fallen stools and hurled it towards the officer, the heavy steel crashing against the man's elbow with a sickening thud. The officer grunted in pain, his aim momentarily thrown off, as Ozpin seized the opportunity to make his escape. The crashing sound of the stool and the sickening thud add sensory details that emphasize the impact of the thrown object.

Dodging and weaving through the shattered glass and debris, Ozpin bolted towards the exit, his heart pounding in his ears. The sounds of gunfire echoed behind him, the sharp report of the officer's weapon punctuating the air as he gave chase. The pounding heart and the echoing sounds of gunfire add sensory details that reflect Ozpin's fear and the intensity of the pursuit.

Ozpin ran, his lungs burning, as he darted through the busy streets, cars honking and swerving to avoid him. The professor could feel the sting of broken glass as it sliced through his clothing, his legs protesting with each step. The burning lungs, the honking cars, and the sting of broken glass add sensory details that illustrate the physical strain and danger of his escape.

Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his knee, and Ozpin cried out, stumbling and falling to the ground. Clutching his wounded leg, he frantically reached for his phone, his fingers slick with blood as he desperately called for help. The searing pain, the cry of distress, and the slick fingers covered in blood add sensory details that emphasize the severity of his injury and his urgent need for assistance.

Ozpin's heart raced as he darted through the crowded streets, the officer's bullets whizzing past him. The professor weaved between the cars, their horns blaring in protest, as he desperately tried to put as much distance between himself and his pursuer. The racing heart and the blaring horns add sensory details that reflect the urgency and chaos of the situation.

The sound of shattering glass pierced the air as stray bullets struck nearby civilians, their cries of pain and fear adding to the cacophony of the chaotic scene. Ozpin felt a pang of guilt as he pressed on, but his only focus now was on survival. The shattering glass and the cries of pain and fear create a sense of danger and guilt.

Gritting his teeth against the burning pain in his leg, Ozpin pushed himself harder, his lungs burning with the effort. He ducked through a set of wrought-iron gates, the metal clanging behind him as he stumbled into a dimly lit alleyway. The burning pain in his leg and the clanging of the gates add sensory details that illustrate Ozpin's physical strain and the environment he finds himself in.

Power Stolen By The Kiss(male reader x rwby) +18Where stories live. Discover now