Family together

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When Stevie and Daniel get back to their room they suddenly see the incubator with Rose in it next to Stevie's bed. Darla standing next to it setting everything up.
"What? Is she well enough to stay with us?" Stevie asks getting to her baby as soon as she can.

"Yeah she is. We always strive to have the babies with their parents as soon as possible and as much as possible. Besides now you don't have to make your way through the hall to feed her during the night." Darla says, happy that the couple seem pleasantly surprised.
"How will I know she is hungry though? She doesn't really cry yet right?" Stevie asks a bit worried.

With her first two it wasn't too difficult. They either started to cry or they would try to eat their hands. But Rose doesn't really have the energy to cry yet or the strength. What if she doesn't hear her if she is sleeping? Stevie feels she won't sleep at all, she's only going to check on Rose to see if she is hungry.

"She will get more restless and as a mom you'll hear it. Most moms sleep lighter when they have a newborn. And if you're afraid you won't, just set the alarm every two hours. She can't leave too much time between the feeds." Darla puts her hand on Stevie's arm. She knows Stevie will be fine, but it's normal that she is a bit nervous.
It doesn't matter how many kids you already have, when you have a preemie, everything is new and different.

"Daniel will you be ok with me setting the alarm every two hours? Especially with your weekend coming up." Stevie asks her husband who has his hand through one of the openings on the side of the incubator to touch his daughters tiny hands.

"That's fine. I don't have to do the press conference and the rest of the weekend I'll be wearing my helmet so nobody will see the bags under my eyes."
Daniel doesn't care if he misses out on some sleep. It's not like he's never raced being sleep deprived before, so he will be fine. Besides he will be able to sleep through the nights this weekend. Stevie won't, so he happily sacrifices sleep while he is here so he can help her.

"Press conference? I'm sorry I don't want to be nosy? But what are you going to do this weekend?" Darla asks. Usually the parents will be here as much as possible, especially in those first days, but it sounds like Daniel won't be here.

"I have to work this weekend so on Thursday night I'll leave for Mexico and I'll be home Sunday evening." Daniel explains a bit vaguely.
"What kind of work do you do that you have press conferences?" Darla has never heard of him before, but it sounds like he is doing something in the spotlights.

"I'm a race car driver. Formula one to be exact." Daniel tells her as he feels Rose wrap her little fingers around his thumb. A rush of love goes through him, she might not have the tight grip Zara had when he first met her, but she is definitely trying.

"Ooooh really? Are you any good?" Darla is now intrigued. Of course she knows that there's also a Formula one race here in Austin, but she never really cared for motor sports. Her husband likes it, but she never watches it with him, so she has no idea about the drivers.

"He's gonna be world champion this year." Stevie says proudly.
"We don't know that yet." Daniel warns her. Sure the odds are pretty high, but you never know. He could have a DNF and Seb could win which will put Daniel on P2 in the standings.
"You will. Because you're going to fight for that championship for our kids. Cole would love to see you win that trofee and imagine how proud Rose will be later when she hears her daddy became world champion shortly after she was born."

Stevie looks at their sleeping baby who has no idea that her father is a world famous F1 driver. She has no idea that she has a five time world champion as an 'uncle'. Rose doesn't know that there's a whole team worried about her and excited to meet her once she is big enough.

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