They're ours

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For a moment Stevie is too stunned to really understand what the judge just told her, behind her she hears people cheer and in the corner of her eye she sees Daniel jump up in pure joy.
"Baby you won, we won!" He shouts, but Stevie is still processing.

"Wh...wait? I can keep my babies?" She asks the judge, just to be sure.
"You can yes. Nobody will take them from you." The judge smiles which makes her look at least five years younger all of a sudden.
"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!"
Stevie then turns to Daniel who is smiling from ear to ear.

"Daniel, they won't take them away!"
"No baby they won't. They can stay with us."
It's like a dam bursts inside of Stevie and she starts to sob, all the tension of today and the weeks leading up to today come flooding out all at once.
She almost collapses, but Daniel manages to catch her when he sees her knees buckle from underneath her.

In his strong arms she lets herself go and cries tears of pure relief. This means they can look forward again, they can start planning their wedding and the rest of their lives together.
"It's ok baby, it's over now. We will go get Cole and Zara and we can go home to celebrate. It's all over." Daniel whispers comforting words in her ear as he strokes her hair and holds her against him.

Her body is shaking from sobbing so violently that he hopes she doesn't hurt herself. She feels so fragile in his arms, yet so strong at the same time.
Eventually she manages to pull herself together and she looks back to the judge who has a sympathetic smile on her face.

"I can't thank you enough." Stevie tells her but the judge waves her gratitude away.
"It was all you, being the amazing mother that you are. It wasn't hard to see that your children are perfectly safe and loved with you and Mr Ricciardo here."
Stevie looks at the man standing next to her.

He is her rock, her one true love and she couldn't imagine doing this without him.
"Ehm can I say something real quick?" She hears Mitch behind her.
"What is it Mr Richards? I'm not changing my mind." Judge Hudson warns him.
"I know, I just want to let Stevie and Daniel know that I'll sign the papers. Daniel can adopt the kids."

They can hear Tiffany groan and when Stevie looks at her she rolls her eyes. She knows she has absolutely nothing she can do to stop Mitch now. He said it and he is going to do it.
"Really? Well I have to say that is the best decision you have made in a long time I believe." Judge Hudson seems pleased with this change of heart from Mitch.

Before he can change his mind, Martin pulls a piece of paper out of his bag.
"There you go. Sign it so it's done."
He slides the document over the table to Mitch and hands him a pen.
Mitch quickly puts his signature on the dots and with that it's official. He just gave up his parental rights and responsibilities so Daniel can now continue the steps he has to take to make the adoption official.

"Thank you Mitch. You know you can always see Cole and Zara. If you want." Stevie tells him but he shakes his head.
"No its fine. They are better off with you and Daniel anyways."
He gives the pen back to Martin and without even looking at Tiffany he walks out of the courtroom. Probably to pack his things and move out of her apartment.

"Let's hope he will continue to make better choices from now on." Daniel watches him leave the courtroom.
"I hope so. But he is none of our concern anymore." Stevie has dried her tears, but she still has so many emotions raging through her body that it is hard to process.

"Miss Sexton, I expect that rectification online today. And you better make sure you tag the same people you did with the first video and you use the same hashtags. Also I expect you to remove that edited one. If you don't, I will find out and I will lock you up." Judge Hudson makes sure Tiffany understands that she is serious about this and even though it's obvious Tiffany doesn't want to do it, she also doesn't want to go to jail.

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora