Calling the parents.

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For a while it is so quiet that it's almost as if all the sound has been put on mute. It's like the waves aren't crashing on the shore, as if there are no people on the beach, no seagulls squawking. There's complete silence while Seb and Melissa are processing what Stevie just told them.

They thought they were going to hear if Stevie's cancer was back or not. Hearing their friend announce that she is six weeks pregnant was not on their bingo card for today.

"You're joking! You're fucking joking!" Melissa suddenly breaks the silence. Luckily Cole head his headphones on so he can't hear her swearing, otherwise he would have said something about it.
Stevie shakes her head.
"Not joking. It's true."

She can imagine this news is a bit of a shock. She is still trying to wrap her head around it herself. Just a couple of hours ago she thought she would hear she had cancer again and she would need some sort of treatment or surgery. But that is not the case, she doesn't have cancer, she is growing another life in her belly.

During the ultrasound of her breast doctor Houston saw the lumps, but he didn't see anything alarming.
"I have to say these seem completely harmless. I understand why you were worried, but I can already see these are not tumors." He told Stevie after prodding her boob for a while.

"It's not? But what are they then? Cysts?" Daniel asks with a huge sigh of relief.
"No I don't think so. It's just breast tissue. Nothing scary, nothing strange. Definitely nothing that we need to do something about."
Just to be safe he also checked her other breast, but he didn't see anything that shouldn't be there either.

He wiped the gel of Stevies skin and told her to pull her dress back up.
"I'm going to check the test real quick, but I'm not worried about what's going on in your breasts. It's completely innocent."
He then proceeded to walk to his desk and he picked up the test. A large smile appeared on his face.

"Well this explains it." He came back and showed them the test. There was one word, clearly visible on the small display: 'pregnant'
Stevie just gasped, her jaw dropped and her mind was blown. She could feel her heart rate go up to what felt like 300.
She is pregnant? Just because she forgot that injection she is now pregnant.

She slowly turned her head to see Daniel's reaction and there were tears forming in his eyes.
"Daniel?" She whispered. A bit nervous for what he felt about this.
He looked at her and smiled from ear to ear. Happiness just glowing around him as if his aura suddenly lit up.

"You're pregnant?! We're going to have a baby!" He could hardly contain his joy, tears were now running down his face, but they were clearly happy tears.
"We're going to be parents again! And I'm going to be there from the start. Oh my god baby this is fucking amazing!"

He wrapped his arms around her in a bone crushing hug. She let out an 'ooof' when he squeezed her tightly, making him loosen his grip quickly.
"I'm sorry, I have to be careful, you're carrying precious cargo. Oh my god, how far along do you think you are? When is this baby going to be born?" He just didn't know what to do with himself, firing questions at her she couldn't answer.

She had no idea how far along she was and when the due date will be. She didn't even expect to hear she was pregnant right now.
"I don't know. Can't be that long." She tries to think back to when her last period was, that must have been about six or seven weeks ago. How did she not realize she missed her period?
True with that injection she didn't really have a regular period anymore, so she just thought it would come at some point.

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