Upside down

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"That first corner looks so tight. I hope all of them will get through it safely." Stevie says while they watch the drivers put their cars on their designated grid spots.
They are just finishing up the formation lap and once Logan puts his car on the last spot on the grid the lights will go on.

Daniel is starting on pole and Seb is on P3. He unfortunately ran into some traffic on his final timed lap which caused him not to maximize the result. But he is confident he will be able to take Carlos pretty quickly. The Ferraris are of course good, but everybody knows the Red Bulls are better.

"They know what they are doing. Everybody wants to get through it without damage." Melissa tries to comfort her.
They are always nervous for the start. They are nervous for the entire race, but that first lap is always extra stressful. Each and every one of the men out there want to win as many positions as they can as early as they can.

Of course it goes well most of the time, but there are always some guys who take too much risk and ruin their own race or somebody else's.

On the screen they see the red lights go on, one by one they light up.
"I don't know if I'll ever get used to this." Stevie says, nibbling her thumb nail.
"Stop biting your nail. Just relax. They will be fine."
Melissa softly slaps Stevie's hand so she removes it from her mouth. Of course she is nervous as well, but she has been here a bit longer than Stevie.

Although before she wasn't dating one of the drivers, she has to admit that since she started dating Seb, her stresslevel has gone up a lot watching races.
Seb is very experienced though and she has faith in him. He won't make any irrational mistakes. It's just the other drivers she's never sure about.

"It's lights out and away we go!" They hear and the cars shoot forward. Daniel reacted just a bit quicker than Carlos which is good. He has nobody next to him when he gets in to turn one.
Seb and Carlos are going wheel to wheel, but they respect each other and they get through without problems.

"Well that was turn one. Lets hope nothing crazy happens the rest of the lap." Melissa says staring at the screen where her man is still battling the red Ferrari with number 55 on it. It's a battle between the fives. Seb having number 5 on his car. She has full faith in him, she believes he can get passed the Spanish driver.

Carlos is an amazing driver, but he isn't as good as Seb. Seb calculates his chances, he knows exactly what he can do and when. He knows when to wait and he knows when to take a shot to get passed another driver.
Of course he wasn't like that when he just started, he was way more aggressive and impulsive. Years of making mistakes and also having success made him into the brilliant driver he is now.

Lap after lap they battle on. Giving Daniel the opportunity to create a large gap. He isn't fighting anybody, so he can just drive for himself, making sure he gets perfect laps in without asking too much from his tires.

The fight between Carlos and Seb does help the people behind them to get closer. On P4 there is the other Australian driver Oscar Piastri who is now getting right in the middle of the action. Of course he is hoping to be able to pass the two while they are battling, but this track is tight and the walls are close so he will have to pick the perfect spot.

Charles is very close to Oscar, but Charles is more cautious, he knows the chances of getting through this track with three cars next to each other is slim. On the long straights you can try, but some corners are super tight, so that would be stupid to even attempt it there.

He watches on, waiting and making sure he manages his tires and his battery so he can use them when he really needs them.

He sees Oscar attempting to get passed left to Sebs Red Bull as Seb is fighting off Carlos on the right.
Charles lifts his foot of his throttle pedal briefly, his heart starts to race when he realizes there's no way this is going to end well.

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