A special day

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Stevie stretches herself as she wakes up the morning after the launch party. They came home around eleven in the evening and as they walked in they saw Charles and Tina cuddling on the couch watching tv. They sorted everything out which was really good to hear.

Cole and Zara went to bed on time and Cole loved the fact that Charles was tucking him in and reading him a story.

Stevie was exhausted so she went straight upstairs for a much needed shower. Daniel didn't lie when he told her she would be reminded of what they did in Christian's office the entire night. Not only was Melissa teasing her about it, she also felt his cum dripping out several times. So she made quite a few trips to the toilet last night. Much to Daniel's amusement of course.

"You know Mitch sent me a picture this afternoon." Stevie tells Daniel when they are in bed together.
"Mitch did? I thought he had blocked you."
Daniel is pretty surprised hearing that Mitch contacted Stevie. She hasn't heard from him since that day he suddenly showed up, pretending he wanted to see the kids.

"He did, but apparently he felt this was so important he unblocked me."
"Alright... so what did he send you?"
Daniel hasn't got a clue, but it's weird that Mitch just suddenly decides to text Stevie.
"I'll show you."
Stevie unlocks her phone and opens the text Mitch sent her.

She hands her phone to Daniel who reads the words Mitch wrote.
"Hang on! Is he seriously just admitting to cheating on you? And he is accusing me of doing the exact same thing? What the hell is wrong with this guy?"
The audacity of Stevie's ex is insane.

"Open the link he added." Stevie just says. She doesn't seem too bothered by it which gives Daniel some confidence that she knows he hasn't cheated on her.
He opens the link and sees a picture of him hugging Melissa. It was when he and Melissa talked about his ideas for his proposal to Stevie.
But he can't tell her why he and Melissa met there.

Stevie will find out tomorrow, because he has everything planned for the next day. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow they will be engaged.
"That's Melissa... I didn't cheat on you baby, I swear. I just had to talk to her about something, but we didn't do anything wrong."

He sits up in the bed, the covers dropping down exposing his naked torso.
Stevie just enjoys the view as Daniel swears that he didn't cheat on her with Melissa. She already knows that, but she was just curious to hear what Daniel had to say.

"Daniel, I know. Melissa already told me you guys were just talking about something and that I would find out soon enough."
"You knew? Then why?" Then he sees her face and he realizes she's been playing with him.

"You tease!" He pushes her on her back and climbs on top of her.
"You knew I didn't cheat on you, but still you thought it was funny to see how I would react?"
Stevie nods, with Daniel between her legs like this her body reacts instantly. It may have been only a couple of hours ago that he fucked her in Christian's office, but she wouldn't mind if he did it again.

"I trust you Daniel. And I trust Melissa. Of course I'm dying to find out what you guys were talking about, but I will be patient and I guess I'll find out sooner or later."
She pushes him off of her and rolls over so she ends up on top of him.
Straddling him she sits up and starts to grind her womanhood over his groin.

"Were those orgasms you had in Christian's office not enough for today?" Daniel grins as he looks up at Stevie who looks insanely sexy. Now without any make up, her hair curtaining her face and wearing one of his shirts she looks even hotter than she looked all dressed up.

"Well there's this certain Australian man who taught me how good sex can be and now I can't get enough of doing it with him..."
Without any hesitation she pulls the shirt over her head, there's no insecurity around him anymore. She is more than happy to show her body to him because she knows how much he loves every part of her.

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