First date

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Tina texted Charles that she was free that evening and it didn't take him long to reply if she wanted to come over to the hotel for a drink.
They would have to stay in his room, because there are also some fans who are also staying that hotel and there would be gossip straight away if he was spotted with a girl in the bar.

Of course she understood, but the idea of being alone with him in his hotel room makes her really nervous. What if he expects her to do certain things? She fancies him, but she's not just going to sleep with him. That's now how she is. She only gets intimate with a guy if they are together. Not just for a one night stand.

Still she's not afraid he would do anything she doesn't want to do. If something like that would ever come out his career would be done.
She decides to go for that drink, but with Stevie on stand by so she can call her if she feels uncomfortable at any time.

She takes a shower and gets dressed in a light blue dress with some sandals.
It's such nice weather still outside, so she only takes a light jacket for when she goes back.
Charles made sure there was a taxi waiting for her, so she gets in and she is taken to the same hotel as she was when she had some drinks with the other girls.

Charles has texted her his room number and she goes to the reception so they can verify that she was indeed invited by Charles and not some random fan.
Reception calls up to Charles who tells them to let her through.

Nervously she pushes the button of the elevator that will take her up to the fifth floor where Charles his room should be.
In the elevator she runs her hands over the skirt of her dress, smoothing out none existing wrinkles in the fabric.

She looks at the red number that counts up as they come closer to the fifth floor.
Her heart is racing out of her chest and her mouth feels dry.
Worried that she might have sweaty hands she quickly wipes them on her jacket.

The ping of the elevator reaching the fifth floor startles her.
Is she seriously going to Charles Leclercs hotel room for a drink?
"Well here goes nothing then. I can't exactly turn back now." She tells herself, trying to muster up the courage to step into that hallway to find Charles his room.

On the wall opposite of the elevator tells her she has to go left to find the even room numbers.
Charles told her he was in room 514, so on trembling legs she steps outside and turns left.

Suddenly she sees Charles in the hallway already waiting for her and she freezes for a moment. Now she can definitely not turn around anymore.
She can see his face light up in a smile when he sees her, after taking a deep breath she walks towards him.

"Hi there. You look amazing." He greets her with two kisses on her cheeks.
She instantly starts to blush when she feels his lips on her skin. He has a bit of stubble which scratches her cheeks in the most delightful way.
"Thank you, you look nice yourself." He's finally out of those red Ferrari clothes and just wearing a pair of black jeans with a white polo shirt.

"Please come in. I'm really sorry I can't take you out, but during a race weekend in Italy we would be stalked by fans everywhere we went. At least now we can talk and get to know each other without being disturbed every ten seconds."
He holds the door open for her like a proper gentleman and she steps in.

The hotel room is simple, but luxurious at the same time.
He has a huge bed in the middle of the room, but also a small table with two seats so they don't have to sit on the bed.

She would feel really awkward if they would, but Charles has lit two candles on the table and he ordered some small bites from roomservice.
"Take a seat. Do you want something to drink? I have wine or beer or something without alcohol."
He holds the chair out for her so she can sit down.

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