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"So you've got your special moustache again I see." Stevie walks in to the bathroom where Daniel has been getting ready. They are in Austin and as he has done many times before, he has shaved his beard and moustache so it drops down the sides of his sexy mouth.

He grins at her through the mirror, wiping the last smudges of shaving cream off his face.
"Of course. Do you mind?" He asks her, he doesn't want her to hate how he looks.
She steps towards him, wrapping her arms around him from behind. It's not easy though, she's now around 32 weeks pregnant and her bump has grown a lot. Still you wouldn't say she is pregnant when you see her from behind.

"I love it. You look sexy no matter what moustache you have."
He turns around and puts his hands on the sides of her baby bump.
"You seem to get sexier every day baby. How is this little one behaving?"

She looks down, her sundress flows over her bump where their baby is finally settled for a bit.
"Right now he's behaving very well. That was a lot different during the night."
The kicks and squirming of the baby kept her up half the night so she is pretty tired, but that's life when you're in your third trimester.

"Call Christian that you're not coming today. Maybe just rest a bit." He suggests, knowing she will say no.
"I can't, this weekend will be one of my last ones working this season and I don't want to let the crew down." She says, just like Daniel expected.

"You could never let them down. Besides Melissa is taking over, you know she will be fine if you decide to take it easy today." He tries again.
"I know she will. And I will take it easy, but I'll take it easy at work. I still have plenty of time to rest until this little one comes, it will be fine."

The Austin weekend will be the last one before she will take maternity leave. She tried to argue about it with Christian, but he would have none of it. He decided it was enough and that she needed to focus on herself now she still can. She will come back next season whenever she feels ready, but after this weekend, her season is done and she will go back to the UK without Daniel.

She still intends to go to Abu Dhabi, especially with things looking like they are now. Daniel is 25 points ahead of Seb, so if things keep going the way they are now, she will be married to a world champion in five more races, including this one.
She just can't imagine not being there to witness him reach his goal, she talked about it with Christian and he promised her she could use the teams private plane to get there.

Daniel doesn't know about her plans yet and he would definitely not agree if he did. Stevie just knows he needs her there that weekend, so even though she will be 36 weeks then, as long as she feels well, she is going.

As she gathers her things she thinks back on the last eleven weeks. Media has calmed down thank god. They don't know when she is due, there's been a lot of guessing, but nobody has been correct. Everybody expects her to give birth somewhere in February, but they are so wrong.

Her bump may have grown a lot, she still isn't as big as you'd expect for 32 weeks. The baby won't be huge, but so far everything is fine. Every ultrasound was perfect and textbook, Daniel decided he wanted to be surprised, so they don't know if they are having a boy or a girl. Both are thinking it will be a boy, but it's wait and see.

Lance hasn't bothered her after their little altercation at Zandvoort. Daniel told her he had a talk with the Canadian driver and that he made it very clear that Lance should never speak to her again.
She couldn't see any bruises on Lance's face when she saw him on the Saturday, but he was definitely afraid to even look at her.

She decided not to ask any questions. Daniel didn't get into trouble and that's all that mattered to her.
The past races Daniel and Seb had been taking turns in winning. It's like every week they switched, so that means Seb has never really fallen behind in points. The season is still very exciting and anything can happen.

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