You win some...

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There's only six more laps left of the Melbourne race and Daniel has a very strong lead. Seb is still second, but he has some damage because of contact with Valtteri while lapping him. It ended Valtteri's race and Seb ended up with a little bit of damage on his front wing. Luckily he didn't have to come in to get it fixed, so he didn't lose positions.

It did however give Daniel a lot of air to open the gap between him and Seb even more. Charles is on P3, but he is also stuck between some back markers, which slows him down a bit. Unless anything happens, Daniel will win, Seb will come in second and Charles will take that last step on the podium.

"Go to parc ferme!" Carl tells Melissa and Stevie when the drivers are about to start their final lap.
They all have been watching the race on a screen in the kitchen while they are preparing for the post-race crowd coming in.
Tina is sitting at one of the tables with the kids, watching the race and entertaining them. Zara has been crawling around hospitality and she keeps pulling herself up on the chairs and tables.
She's definitely keeping Tina busy during the hours she takes care of the kids.

"But we are working." Stevie protests, she would love to go, but she has a job to do as well.
"Oh please, everybody is watching the race. we all know they won't come in until after the podium ceremony, so go now and be there for your guys. I'll take care of things here."

Melissa and Stevie look at each other, both so eager to get out there and quickly pull their aprons over their heads.
"Tina come on. You should be there as well." Stevie tells her nanny as they come out of the kitchen.
"But Cole and Zara.." Tina protests.
"They are coming too. It's their dad who won so they should be there as well."

Tina quickly grabs both head sets to protect the little ones ears while Stevie picks up Zara.
"Come on Cole, daddy is winning. Let's go surprise him." She ushers Cole who is very fast to jump off his chair. He lets Tina put his headset on before they all head outside.

The five of them rush to the garage where Calum spots them.
"Come on guys let's find you a spot." He lifts Cole on his shoulders to help him get to the front where the drivers will soon park their cars.

The signs with numbers one, two and three are set up as a loud cheer goes through the crowd. On the screen they see Daniel cross the finish line where the checkered flag is waved. A few seconds later Seb and Charles cross the line only a couple of tenths apart. If the race had a couple of more laps, Charles would have overtaken Seb, but luckily for the German driver, he held his second place.

Charles did get fastest lap and Seb got driver of the day, but Daniel is going to be in that top step on the podium.
Parc ferme fills up with the rest of the team and the Ferrari people while Stevie, Melissa and Tina are in the front against the gates. Stevie puts Zara with her bum on top of the gate, making her lean back against her mom.

Cole is still on Calums shoulders, watching it all from up high as Calum is a pretty tall guy.
They see the Red Bull colored car of Daniel drive into the pit lane followed by Sebs. Then they see the red Ferrari park behind the number three and the guys start to climb from their cars.

After putting the steering wheel back in the car Daniel and Seb hug each other, celebrating another amazing result for the team. Then they both turn to their team members, not expecting Stevie and Melissa there.

Daniel rushes over to where he spots Stevie with Zara. The little girl bouncing on the barrier. As soon as he gets to them he picks up his ten month old girl and spins around, making her squeal with fun.
Then he puts her on his hip as he hugs Stevie.
He feels some tapping on his helmet and when he looks up he sees Cole glowing with pride on Calums shoulders.

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt