The ultimate connection

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At first Daniel doesn't think he heard her properly. What did she just say? It can't be that she just said she had cancer right?
His brains are working overtime trying to think of anything else she could have said that gave her those scars.
But he keeps coming back to the fact that she really did say she had cancer.

It's like a cold fist is wrapped around his heart and the other one just punched him in the gut.
Cancer?? The woman he loves more than life itself, the one he wants to grow old with... cancer?
She is too young, she has two kids, this can't be real. They are just getting things started and now she is telling him this.

What does this mean? Will she have to undergo chemo? When did she find out? When was the surgery? He has so many questions that his head starts to pound.

"Wh....what?" He stammers, his eyes filling up with tears when he thinks about what cancer means. People die of cancer, a lot of people. But she can't be one of them right? She can't leave him, she can't leave Cole and Zara behind. They need her.

"I had tumors removed a couple of months ago... that's why I have scars." She says, her voice shaking with the tension inside of her.
Daniel seems in complete shock, but she isn't sure whether it's because of the scars or something else.

"Tumors? Cancer? Oh baby, please no!" Daniel feels a tear escape his eye, the thought of his Stevie being sick and needing horrible treatments breaks his heart.
"What now? What's the next step? I'm here for you every step of the way." He says.

Of course he won't leave her to deal with this alone, whatever she needs he will take care of. He will find the best doctor in the world and he will pay whatever it takes to make sure she will get better.

"Huh? What do you mean?"
Then she suddenly realizes he thinks she still has cancer. Did she say that? She's sure she said 'had' not 'have'.
"What do we need to do next? You have to know I will be there no matter what." Daniel says and her heart melts.

He hasn't even said anything about the scars. Al he is worried about is that she is sick and she needs him.
"Oh Daniel, sweetheart. I'm fine now. I had cancer, but they removed the tumors and my latest scans showed everything was still clean. I don't have cancer anymore."
She forgets that she has her breasts out, she forgets she was afraid he would think she looked disgusting.

She climbs on his lap and straddles him, she feels that he needs to hold her close to him now. He has to realize that she is ok, she is healthy at this moment.

He holds her waist when she wraps her legs around him, making sure she is as close as possible.
Then she puts her hands on his face, forcing him to look at her.
"Daniel, I'm good. There is no more cancer in my body right now. I don't need any treatments."

His dark brown eyes are filled with tears and the fear of losing her.
Slowly she can see the realization seep through the fear and his eyes widen when he understands.

"You're not sick? I'm not going to lose you?" He asks as his eyes scan her face to see if she is telling the truth.
"No, you're not going to lose me. I'm fine."

It's like he snaps and he bursts into tears, they are tears of the fear that is leaving his body and the relief that is replacing it.
"Oh Daniel, I'm so sorry I scared you. I love you so much and I am not planning on dying any time soon. I have too much to live for."

She pulls she sobbing man against her chest, forgetting that she is topless. His tears fall on her skin and run down her cleavage over her stomach until they are absorbed by her jeans.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I can't lose you. I love you so much." He sobs, his hands roaming over her back. He also doesn't realize she is half naked in front of him, on top of him even, all he knows is she is here and she is healthy.

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