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"Maybe I should get back to the hotel. It's getting late and I'm sure with two little ones, you won't get a chance to sleep in." Daniel suggests after they eventually break apart.
Stephanie has lost all track of time, all she knows ifs how amazing it feels to have Daniel's lips on hers and how much her body is begging her to take it further, but her head is screaming no.

After Daniel confessed he is falling for her it was like there was a volcanic eruption of butterflies in her stomach. How is it possible that somebody like him could be falling for her?

He knows she comes with baggage, not just her kids but also her trust issue. And then there's that other bagage he doesn't know about.

She had cancer, she might be good now, but there's no guarantee that it won't come back. So far everything seems fine, but what if she gets cancer again somewhere down the line? He is crazy busy, he doesn't need a girlfriend who might need cancer treatment.

But at the moment all those worries aren't important. All that matters is that they are as close as they can be with their clothes on. Their faces still barely an inch apart.
Her lips are swollen and tingling, the skin around her mouth feels somewhat raw from his stubble, but she doesn't care.

The way he kissed her was mind blowing, it was beyond her imagination and in real life he's even a better kisser than in her dreams.
If he makes love just as amazing as he kisses, she knows she would be so lucky if that ever happens.

"You can't go." She whispers, still a bit breathless.
"What do you mean?" Daniel asks.
"Well between the two of us we drank a bottle and a half of your wine. You can't drive anymore."

He smiles, leaning his forehead against her. His hands are still on her jeans clad ass. That ass he has been checking out a couple of times and he already expected it to feel wonderful in his hands, which was the truth. It's nice and round and soft, but also it's firm, from somebody who is on her feet a lot.

Her entire body feels amazing against his. They fit as if they are made for each other. As far as he is concerned they are. Now all he needs to do is make sure she sees it as well. So far it seems he's off to a good start, but he knows not to rush things with her.

"I can call an Uber, I'll pick up the car tomorrow." He suggests.
"Or you can stay here. I can sleep on the couch then you can take my bed."

She would love to share her bed with him, but she's afraid he might expect something she isn't ready to give him. Well, her body is definitely ready for it, but her head is far from it.

"I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch. Then I'll stay on the couch and you can just sleep in your bed." Daniel says.
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you sleep on the couch?"

She knows he has to get in the simulator again tomorrow and if he sleeps on the couch he might wake up with a sore back.
"No you can't sleep on the couch. It's not that comfortable." She bites her lip thinking about how to fix this. Of course he could call an Uber, but she doesn't really want him to go.

"Or....ehm. You could..." Stevie starts nervously.
"Don't be nervous. You can ask me anything or tell me anything." He gently cups her cheek and rubs her soft skin with his thumb.
She leans her head against his palm, relishing the warmth he radiates.
He is so gentle, so loving. Realizing this is all new for her even though she was with a man for five years, makes her understand even more how selfish Mitch was.

"Well I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but we could share my bed." She suggests, suddenly becoming really shy.
It's a bold move, but now she is scared he might think this means she wants to have sex with him.
She does of course, but she won't. She doesn't want to chase him away already.

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