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"Tina oh my god you are amazing!" Stevie hugs the Slovenian girl who has been her hero while traveling with a toddler and an infant.
They just landed in Milan Italy and are now heading towards where they can pick up their luggage.

It wasn't such a long flight, but it was the first time Cole and Zara were on a plane and Stevie was really stressed out.
And then there was Tina who was calm as a cucumber. She had everything under control and made sure Cole was enjoying himself.

Which gave Stevie the possibility to focus more on Zara who luckily fell asleep once they were in the air.
Tina was explaining all the buttons to Cole, he was sitting by the window and they were watching out over Europe below them while Tina, with the help of the flight radar on a tablet, explained him every country they flew over.

She even told him what the countries were known for and what language they spoke there.
Because of that Cole never even had time to start  making a fuss about anything.

They have quite a lot of stuff to collect, but Stevie wraps Zara against her chest so she has her hands free to push the luggage trolley.

"There is somebody waiting for us yes?" Tina asks Stevie.
"There should be yeah. Christian told me he would make sure we didn't have to worry about getting a taxi and there was already a car seat for both of these munchkins in the car."

"Ok good." She turns to Cole.
"So you sit on top of the suitcase, then I can't lose you in the crowd."
Tina puts Cole on top of the luggage where he feels like a king on his throne while Tina pushes the second trolly with him on it through the arrivals.

Stevie can't do anything else but smile when she sees him sitting there, his smile so wide you'd think it hurts his jaw. It actually reminds her of somebody she will probably see again this weekend.

"GOOOOO Tinaaaaa!" he shouts trying to spur her on to go faster.
"No my little friend. We stay with mommy and Zara. We will race another time."

Just as promised, there's somebody waiting for them holding a sign with 'Stephanie Dawson' on it.
Their driver, Arthur, loads up the luggage in a van that is also used to drive team members from the hotels to the track during the weekend.

Tina and Stevie make sure the kids are secured safely in the provided car seats.
The drive from the airport to the Monza circuit where they will be staying in the motor homes the team has arranged isn't very long.

About 30 minutes later they drive over a large field with multiple mobile homes. Some look more permanent, but most are caravans that can be moved from one spot to another.
The van drives towards to more permanent mobil ehomes next to each other. One is pretty big and the other just a size smaller.

"Miss Dawson, the one in the right is for you and your children, the other one is for Miss Tina." Their driver explains while he hands them both a set of keys.
"Call me Stephanie please. Miss Dawson is so formal." She says smiling as she accepts the keys.

"Very well Stephanie. You will find your accommodation is fully stocked so you and those two little ones will have everything you might need. Miss Tina that counts for you as well."

He then hands them their passes to get in the paddock. They are green which means they are for people who work for the team. They even made passes for Zara and Cole, so they are also part of the team now. Even though Stevie hasn't even officially accepted the job.

"Let's get settled in. You do your stuff first and then come to us for dinner ok?" Stevie tells Tina.
She already loves the young woman, but she also feels like Tina deserves to have time for herself as well. Right now Stevie isn't working, so Tina should enjoy the time she is here just as much as anybody else.

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