Let's tell them

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"Really?! You'll marry me?" Even though he didn't really think she would say no, he still can't believe his ears.
"Yes! I want nothing more than to marry you. Oh my god I love you so much!"
She tries to wipe the tears from her cheeks, but they keep coming no matter how hard she tries to stop them.

Daniel proposing to her was the last thing she expected to happen today. She thought it was just a nice day out with the four of them, but now he is kneeling in front of her holding up a ring that is the most beautiful ring she has ever seen.

"Mommy marry daddy?" Cole ask them. Stevie doubts he knows what marriage means, but he really seems eager to know.
"Yes buddy, your mom wants to marry me." Daniel answers.
"Yay!!!" Cole starts to dance around, happy because his parents seem happy.

Daniel gets up from the blanket and takes the ring out of the box.
His hands are shaking when he puts the ring on Stevie's finger.
His heart is racing, his mind is going a million miles an hour. She said yes! She wants to marry him. They will spend the rest of their lives together.

He is beyond happy, this beats anything he has achieved so far. Winning races doesn't even come close to how his heart is bursting with joy right now.
He can already see her walking down the aisle with her father. She will look stunning in whatever dress she will choose. Cole can be the ring bearer and if Zara can walk by the time they get married, she can be the flower girl.

Stevie admires the ring Daniel slid around her finger, he couldn't have picked a more perfect one. It's a ring she could have picked for herself. Daniel really knows her so well.
"Oh wow Daniel. I can't believe what just happened. Did you really ask me to marry you?" She thinks she was awake through this all, but what if it's just a dream. Maybe she is about to wake up and none of this actually happened.

"I definitely did. I'm so happy you said yes. You're not my girlfriend anymore, you're my fiancé now." He says smiling brightly.
"I can't wrap my head around it. I honestly thought you just had a nice day planned. But then you go and propose! It's so fast, is it too fast? I want to marry you, trust me I do. It's fast though right?"
Stevie's head is all over the place. She knows she wants to marry Daniel. She wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him.

They have only really been together since winter break, although if she is completely honest with herself, their relationship started way before that. She just didn't admit it to herself. But she loved him way before they ever gave what they had a name.

"I guess it's fast, but does that matter? I mean we don't have to get married next week of course. We will take our time, set a date and start planning. I just know there will never be anybody else but you, and I think life is too short to wait when you already know you found the one you're meant to be with."
Daniel gets a bit worried when Stevie asks him if it wasn't too fast. Of course he won't rush her into anything, they can be engaged as long as she wants.

He just wants her to know he is really serious about them. He wants to talk to her about what he has been able to find about him possibly adopting Cole and Zara. But not if she is having second thoughts.
"Did you change your mind about accepting my proposal?" He asks her, nerves coming back in full force.

"Absolutely not. It's a yes and it will stay a yes. I just don't want you to get shit thrown over you because of it. People will probably say I tricked you into this. Maybe they will say I got you to knock me up so you would do the right thing and marry me."
If there's one thing she doesn't want, it's for Daniel to have to deal with crap because of her. He has already had enough of that when people were speculating about Cole being his son or not.

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Where stories live. Discover now