Private clinic

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The sun comes up and next to her Daniel starts to stir. Stevie hasn't slept at all, she has been tossing and turning the entire time. She even got up a couple of times just to go look at her kids. Her thoughts never stopped spinning through her head.

They still have a couple of hours before they can go to the clinic to get her checked out. She is really happy that Melissa was able to get her in so soon, but she is also very afraid of what she will hear today. She has no idea how she will be able to process if she hears bad news. If the cancer is back she will be absolutely devastated. She will have to tell her parents about it which will break their hearts.

What if her dads heart can't take the stress? If she will cause her father to have another heart attack she will feel so guilty. Her parents deserve to have a happy time now her dad is retired, they shouldn't have to worry about her and her health.

The only thing that is better this time around is that she has Daniel. She has somebody who will support her every step of the way. Even though he is in the beginning of the season he will be with her as much as he can and he won't abandon her.
He will make sure she can recover without having to lean on her parents too much.

"Good morning baby. You didn't sleep at all did you?" Daniel asks yawning.
"No not really. I didn't expect to sleep though." She sighs.
Daniel holds his arms open for her to cuddle up against him. He knows that's all he can do right now. Just making sure she knows he is here for her and that she can lean on him.

She wraps her arms around him and lays her head on his warm chest. Under her ear she can hear his calm and steady heartbeat. It's really comforting and she knows he will be her rock, he will be everything she is going to need when things turn out to be bad.

"I love you." She whispers.
"I love you too baby. I've got you. You know I do, right?" She feels his strong fingers caress her back which makes her feel a bit more relaxed.
"Won't you mind if they have to take my breasts off completely? I'm not saying that will happen, but it might. Or I might need chemo and get bald, or infertile. Then what?"

Daniel stops running his fingers over his skin and wraps his arms around her a bit tighter.
"If that happens I will still love you just as much as I do now. We have two amazing kids, if your treatment means we won't have any more, so be it. I don't mind, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you and our kids."

He can only hope she believes him, but with her history and Mitch walking away and destroying her confidence he knows he will have to show her. Words might not be enough for her to believe it.

They only get a couple of minutes of being in each others arms before they hear Zara starting to babble in her cot. They can hear her say dadda a few times so Daniel decides he will go get her out of her bed.

Stevie also gets up and starts to get dressed. It's again looking like it will be a beautiful day, so she knows the kids will love to go to the beach with Seb and Melissa. She would rather go herself, but instead she will have to get tests done to see why she has lumps again.

She puts on a light blue sundress and braids her hair. In the mean time she hears Daniel talking to Zara softly. So far Cole seems to be sleeping still and she hopes he will for a while. Yesterday with the flight and their arrival it was a long day, so he can use all the sleep he can get.

After brushing her teeth and putting on a little bit of make up, just to cover the dark bags under her eyes she gets into the kitchen to get breakfast going. The fridge is really fully stocked, so for Daniel she makes a nice bowl of porridge topped with fruit and nuts. After all he still has to drive this weekend so he has to stay in shape.

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