It's getting hot in here

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"Soooo how was your date?" Stevie asks Tina when they sit down for breakfast.
Tina's face turns crimson red which tells Stevie it was a good date.
"That good huh?" She grins.
"It was really nice. We pretty much talked the entire time about everything but racing. I feel like I got to know him totally different than how internet portrays him."

Tina is making toast for Cole while Stevie is feeding Zara.
Zara actually slept through the night for the first time which was amazing.
Not that Stevie slept so well, she kept seeing Daniel holding Zara in his arms and it made her broody. He looked so natural with a baby that her ovaries started to wake up.

She tried to push those feelings away, but every time she closed her eyes she had a vision of Daniel holding their own newborn baby and it drove her crazy.
He has no right to just walk into her life and make her feel things she doesn't want to feel.
Those feelings are terrifying, because her heart hasn't healed yet and she is not exactly ready to give it away.

It was very nice of him to come over, she now understands he didn't go away because he doesn't want to be around her knowing she has kids. It was mostly Michael's fault for being hungry.

Turning her attention back to Zara who has now finished her bottle she puts her over her shoulder to burp.
Cole is enjoying a slice of toast with honey and a glass of milk.

"So was talking all you did?" Stevie asks Tina who is now making herself some breakfast.
She doesn't even dare to look up, afraid she will turn red again.

"Oooh do tell. I mean I'm not going to have a love life any time soon, so I need to hear other people's." Stevie laughs.
"Ok so he asked me, right when I was about to leave, if I had a boyfriend and obviously I said no, because well.. I don't. And then he kissed me."

Stevie shrieks making Cole look up to his mom questioning.
"It's ok Cole I'm just happy for Tina."
"Why?" The little boy asks.
"Because she got kissed by a boy." Stevie explains, but it's obvious Cole is not impressed.

"I kiss you. I a boy."
"That's very true my little friend. And I love you. You give the sweetest kisses." Tina tells the adorable boy who turns his attention back to his toast.

"Well I'm very happy for you. He's absolutely gorgeous and he seems like a really nice guy. So what next? When are you seeing him again?"
Stevie puts Zara in a bouncer chair so she can eat something herself.

"I don't know. I won't be in the paddock today or tomorrow and he is very busy."
Stevie nibbles her bottom lip thinking about how she can get Tina to spend more time with Charles.
"How about you bring the kids over for lunch? I can take them for a while and then maybe you can see Charles again."

"I'm supposed to look after Cole and Zara when you are working. Not go chase boys around." Tina dryly states.
Stevie laughs.
"I know. But once lunch is served I have some time for myself, so instead of me coming back here to see them, you come to me. Maybe I can take Cole to see the cars."

She also will have to tell Christian she's accepting the job offer, so she can do that all at once.
"Ok if you are sure."

"I am. Now text him that you'll be at the track around lunch time. Maybe he has a bit of time to see you. He has to eat as well."
Tina remembers what Charles said last night about people spotting them together and how they would immediately start a whole investigation to see who she is.

"I don't know if he should be seen with me in public. He couldn't walk with me to the taxis because of the fans who would take pictures and start gossip. I mean just like with you and Daniel."
Stevie's head shoots up.

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