Between fear and hope

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Even though Daniel is well trained and is fit, he starts to feel his shoulders burn after giving Peter chest compressions for what feels like hours.
He has blocked out everything around him, he can't let Stevie's cries in, he can't let any fear in, he needs to focus on doing this right.

It can't be that Peter dies, he can't let Stevie's father die right here on the kitchen floor.
So he keeps pushing, one hand on top of the other, fingers intertwined, his hand right next to the sternum. He remembers he has to push the chest down about five centimeters and it felt so easy on that dummy.

Now doing it on a real person, a person he knows, makes it a lot more difficult.
There's just no way he's going to give up, even if his arms fall off, he is an athlete, he knows how to push through pain and that's exactly what he's going to do now.

He quickly glances at Seb who blows air into Peter's lungs every time Daniel has done thirty compressions. They work as a team as they have done for many years, they never had to try to bring a man back to life though.
Failure in this case is just not an option, he can't let Peter down, he can't let Trudy down and he sure as hell can't let Stevie and the kids down.

"Ambulance should pull up any second now, Melissa make sure the door is open please." Seb tells her in between breaths.
Melissa puts Stevie on a chair and runs to the door to open it so the paramedics can come in.
She isn't religious at all, but in her head she keeps begging God not to let Peter die.

She rushes back into the kitchen where she sees Seb push his fingers in the side of Peter's neck, trying to find a pulse. He shakes his head and Daniel keeps going with the chest compressions.

Finally they hear sirens coming closer until they stop in front of the door.
Only seconds later two paramedics come running into the kitchen with their equipment.

"What happened here?" One of them asks.
"He hasn't been feeling well, and then a couple of minutes ago he just collapsed after telling us his chest hurt. They started CPR straight away." Melissa summarizes.

"Awesome job men, let us take over from here." The male paramedic puts his hand on Daniel's shoulder who almost wants to shrug him off, he feels like he has to keep going, but then Seb is behind him and pretty much lifts him off the floor so he has to stop.

The paramedics quickly hook Peter up on an AED to monitor any heart activity, but at first there isn't anything, so the male paramedic continue the chest compressions while his female colleague sticks an IV in Peter's hand to push in medicine.

Daniel and Seb are standing nearby, watching nervously as the paramedics try everything they can to bring Peter back.
Daniel hasn't noticed anything around him while he was working on his father in law, but now he hears Stevie's sobs behind him and he turns around.

Stevie is sitting at the kitchen table with Melissa beside her. His girlfriend is falling apart as she watches her dad being poked and prodded on his floor.
Even though he is shaking himself, he pushes away his own feelings so he can support Stevie.

He moves to her and Melissa steps aside. Seb wraps his arms around his girlfriend who is now able to finally let out her own distress and fear. Wrapped in Sebs secure arms Melissa starts to cry. The shock of seeing Peter collapse, the intense fear and devastation of Stevie has hit her hard. She kept it together until she felt Sebs arms and now she can't anymore.

Daniel squats down next to Stevie who seems completely shut down.
Only when he puts his hand on her leg she seems to realize he is there.
She looks at him, her eyes red and puffy, her face wet from her tears.

When they lock eyes she breaks again, so Daniel quickly holds her against his chest so he can try to comfort her. He knows if Peter doesn't pull through it will devastate Stevie. Her father is everything for her and he can only hope she's not going to lose him.

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