Letting him know

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"Oh my god Stevie have you seen this?"
Stevie just arrived at Red Bull hospitality in Miami when she is almost trampled by Melissa.
"Jeez girl I just walked in. What should I have seen?" She asks her friend while she walks into the kitchen.

"You know the tv show Married at first Sight yeah?" Melissa asks.
"I've heard of it. Never watched it though. Why?"
Stevie isn't really into those reality shows, she thinks they are fake and edited to cause drama.

"They revealed who the brides and grooms are this season. And you'll never guess who are in it."
Melissa looks like a teenager, hopping around on her feet, eager to spill the tea to Stevie.
Stevie sighs, she's a bit tired and nauseous. The last couple of days she has developed a couple of pregnancy symptoms, still very mild, but still she is definitely sure she is pregnant now.

Because she is tired and doesn't feel too good, she isn't really able to cope with Melissa's hyperactivity about some dumb reality show.
"If you say I'll never guess you might as well tell me." She crosses her arms waiting for her friend to tell her.

"Mitch and Tiffany! I don't know who they are matched with yet, but wouldn't it be hilarious if they were to meet each other at the altar, getting married?" Melissa can definitely see the humor in it.

Stevie is less impressed. Just hearing those names make her blood boil and her nausea even worse.
"Honestly, I don't really care what they do. They tried to ruin our lives and take our kids. I'm not going to watch them make complete idiots out of themselves. I hope they get matched together and I hope they make each other miserable. We both know the only reason they signed up for it is to get their two minutes of fame."

Stevie doesn't want to hear about those two. She has nothing to do with Mitch anymore. And she definitely doesn't give a shit about Tiffany.
"You watch it if you want, but I'm not going to waste my time with that."
Stevie doesn't want to be grumpy towards Melissa, but she can't really help it.

She's sure once she feels a bit better her mood will lighten up as well.
"Are you ok Steev?" Melissa asks her. She doesn't know her friend like this.
"I'm sorry, I've been feeling a bit nauseous and tired and I guess that's making me cranky." She admits.

"Oh sweetie, there's no denying there's a baby growing in there isn't it?" 
Stevie shakes her head.
"Nope, it's good though. I don't mind. It's not like I'm throwing up or anything, I just feel a bit nauseous. But I don't like myself for being grumpy towards you."

Melissa pulls her in for a hug, hoping she can reassure her best friend that it's ok.
She gets it and she knows it's nothing personal.
"You are allowed to be a bit of an hormonal bitch the next 7 months. I can handle it."
This is one of the reasons why Stevie adores this woman so much. She truly has the biggest heart and she always knows how to make her feel better.

"Thanks, but I'll try not to take it out on you. Lets get going on lunch so the team will have something to eat in between practice sessions."

Carl also walks in, ready to take on some fish for his healthy fish and chips. It won't be deep fried like the original one, but he will only have it in oil for a short moment before putting the fish and the chips in the oven. He has tried it and it taste amazing.

"Carl! You're later than usual. Were you trying to catch the fish in that marina next to the track?" Melissa jokes.
They went for a walk around the track yesterday and they saw the fake marina. They agreed that it looked ridiculous and the people who thought it was a good idea, should have gone back to the drawing board.

"I tried. They wouldn't bite." Carl has been working with Melissa for a long time now. He knows exactly not to take the bait and just go along with her. Otherwise he will never hear the end of it.
After putting on his apron he heads into the walk-in fridge to get the fish he needs to filet to make that delicious dish he has in mind.

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