Just a scare

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"Take a few slow, deep breaths Tina. It's ok." Stevie tells her friend who is sobbing after seeing the results on the tests.
She fills a glass of water for Tina to drink once she is able to breathe again. She doesn't want her to choke in it.

"Oh god I'm so relieved. I really thought it would be positive." Tina finally is able to say. The digital test clearly says 'not pregnant' and the other one also only has one line.
It was just the stress and relief that came out all of a sudden and that's why she started sobbing.

"Well at least now you can stop worrying about it. I bet you somewhere today your period will start." Melissa smiles thinking about how she would feel if she got pregnant right now.
Of course she is a couple of years older than Tina, so for her it would possibly feel different. Also she and Seb definitely want kids and they don't really want to wait years before they are going to try.

But Seb is also closer to retirement as Charles is. He already said he doesn't see himself race for more than two years after this season. So that would make things easier, she wouldn't have to do most of the baby phase on her own. Charles is far from retiring, he's so young still and he is so eager to win that championship at some point.

Seb has five, he would love another one, but he is already very pleased with what he achieved.
If Seb quits, so will Melissa. She isn't going to travel the world if he is at home. Once she quits working in the Red Bull kitchen she wants to start her own bakery. Or she will start with making cakes at home for birthdays and build from there. She will miss the team, but she wants to have that family life.

Tina is calming down and sipping from her water while Melissa and Stevie grab a bottle of lemonade from the mini fridge. This morning was a lot more stressful than they thought. It wasn't even about them, but they could just imagine how scared Tina was not knowing. At least now she can move on and relax again.

"So anybody want to go to Melbourne zoo today?" Stevie says lightening the mood.
"Charles and I were going to go to the Peninsula hot water springs. It will give us some time to talk. I know I have to tell him about taking the tests." Tina replies.

It will be nice having some time with just the two of them, Charles can finally unwind after the weekend. He is so focused on his job during race weekends which he has to be of course, but it does make him lose sight of other things. He didn't even notice her being so tense this weekend. Maybe when they have some one on one time today they can discuss some things.

"Girls I could use a proper drink right now. I never expected to feel so anxious for somebody else taking a pregnancy test." Melissa drops herself on the couch in the lounge area of the room.
"Just imagine how you will feel if it's your turn." Stevie jokes. Now they know Tina isn't pregnant the air feels a lot lighter and they can joke about it.

"How did you feel when you were taking tests?" Tina asks Stevie. She is the only one who has experience with tests and having positive ones.
"I guess my situation was different. I really wanted kids at a young age so I was hoping they would be positive. But still I remember those three minutes felt like the longest in my life. I kept staring at the test and pretty soon it was obvious it had two lines. So I was over the moon."

Thinking about that moment for Stevie gives her a lot of warm feelings. She was thrilled to have positive tests and to start that new chapter in her life.
"So how did Mitch react?" Melissa asks her. Knowing his reaction probably wasn't what Stevie hoped for.

Stevie scoffs, that is something else she remembers all too well.
"He looked at it and was like 'so now what?'"
She should have known he wouldn't be the father she hoped for. Obviously she is super happy with her kids, but she really wished they would have a better biological father. Luckily now they have Daniel who is everything they could wish for.

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