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Mitch holds her hand as they wait for the doctor with the results. He can feel her tremble as she expects the worst. He can't blame her, because from the moment she felt those lumps in her breasts and called her doctor, things happened so fast.

First she had to see her GP, who checked her very thoroughly. Then she got send to hospital to get a mammogram, she told him it was very uncomfortable, but it didn't really hurt.
For him it was uncomfortable thinking about all those people who saw and touched her breasts. And realizing there might be something wrong with her.

He loves her breasts, they are pretty big and perfect, she is gorgeous as a whole. That's what drew him to her in the first place. Her looks.
She has long, raven black hair, with bright blue eyes.
Her face is just perfect, he never understood why she didn't want to be a model. Instead she decided on becoming a chef.

Not that he was complaining, she was only 25 years old and already working at a Michelin star restaurant making enough money to support him while he was trying to become a famous singer.
They were together for 5 years now and in the meantime they even had two kids. Their little boy Cole was now 2 years old and only 3 months ago she gave birth to their daughter Zara.

He never really wanted kids, but when she accidentally got pregnant with their first she was over the moon. Because he wanted her to stay with him he went along with it. Then she really wanted a second baby and he went along with it again.
He needed her, because first she was stunning and second she made it possible for him to pursue his career.

Only when she had to go back to work he realized he was supposed to look after the babies and that wasn't exactly what he had in mind.
He was too occupied networking, auditioning and trying to find a way to get a record deal.

So now most of the time he drops the kids off with his mother in law. He knows she can't stand him, but she also knows Stephanie, or Stevie as everybody calls her, loves him, so she keeps her mouth shut and takes care of the babies.

"Mitch I'm scared." She said squeezing his hand.
"I know doll, but it will be ok. I'm right here and you're going to be fine." He wasn't so sure, but he really hoped she would be fine. He really didn't want to stay behind, forced to take care of Zara and Cole.
"You don't know that, they wouldn't have done all those tests if there was nothing wrong. First the mammogram, then the ultrasound and the biopsy. They must have found something or they wouldn't have rushed to get this appointment. What if it's cancer? I don't want to die. I can't leave Cole and Zara without a mother."

"You're not going to die. Even if they find something they have plenty of options to get you better again." He sure hopes so.
Finally the doctor comes in, the look on his face very serious and Stevie could just feel her stomach turn into a knot.
"Hi Stephanie, Mitch. I'll just get straight to the point. We found cells that are bad news. They are cancerous and we will need to start treatment as soon as possible."

She feels the color draining from her face when she hears the word cancer. Cancer means she's going to die right? She's going to get chemo, lose her hair, get sick and eventually she will die and leave her two precious babies without their mother.
"How long do I have left?" She asks, her voice soft and filled with fear. Tears start running down her face and the doctor quickly hands her a box of tissues.

"I'm sorry? Oh no you can't think like that. Look yes we found cancer in both breasts, but it hasn't spread. There were no bad cells in your lymph nodes. We will still make a scan of your body, but we are pretty sure it's located only in the tumors in your breasts."

She lets out a shaky breath, trying to let the words sink in. So she's not going to die? Not yet at least. But still they will have to do something to get her healthy again? The thought of undergoing chemo scares her. She has seen on tv what it does to people and it's horrible. If the cancer doesn't make you feel sick, the treatment will.

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